Simply the best! Thats how I would describe Steve Grossman. He is - TopicsExpress


Simply the best! Thats how I would describe Steve Grossman. He is an intelligent, thoughtful, thorough, and caring human being, leader, politician, businessman, father, husband, manager and friend. I have never had a boss like him. If youve paid attention to the race yesterday, you know that Steve Grossman was not successful in his bid for governor in the democratic primary. I was deeply saddened by the results. With only a few percentage points away, the race was within grasp. But alas, history was written differently than I had hoped! No matter the outcome, my respect and admiration has not and will not waiver. Steve Grossman has not only been my boss, he has been a leader worth emulating. I am a better professional both as an attorney and HR executive because of my exposure to him. I ask better probative questions to get better responsive answers. I am a better public speaker and thought leader because of him. I am a better manager of people and processes. Ive learned to be shorter on criticism and longer on praise; to identify and train talent but give them the room to perform and excel. Ive learned to implement solutions, garner support, drive policy change, and ensure completion of action items. Ive learned how to better serve and listen; to give credit when its due; to under-promise and over-perform; and to say thank you, Im sorry, and I need help more often. There are very few people who have earned that level of respect and trust from me, but Steve Grossman is one of them. I believe I have his respect and trust as well. He has made that perfectly clear. Again, I am sad to see someone so passionate about the future of Massachusetts and so qualified to lead not win. Steve Grossman was simply the best option in my mind. I just wanted you to know it. #teamstevegrossman Simply the best! Jessie
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 23:15:00 +0000

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