Sin is a hateful subject to those who do not like the Bible - TopicsExpress


Sin is a hateful subject to those who do not like the Bible teaching about Hell, but sin is the cause of Hell. The wages of sin is death. When God said to Adam in the garden of Eden, “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die,” He had reference, not primarily to physical death, but to death of the soul. When Adam sinned, he began to die physically; but he immediately died spiritually. He became a lost soul. But for the mercy of God, he would have gone to Hell. The second death is caused, like the first death, by sin. Unless God changes all His laws when we come to the next world, there will have to be a place where sin is punished. Any man who cannot believe in Hell is not intelligent. He does not face the facts. He will not examine the evidence that God puts on every side of him. You who say you “cannot believe a loving God would send a sinner to Hell,” let me ask you some questions: · Do you believe a loving God will allow sin to put a man in the hospital with a diseased body? · Do you believe that God will allow sin to put a man in jail, with his liberty taken away from him for months or years or even for life? · Do you believe that God does allow sinners to go to the electric chair to pay for murder? Whether you like it or not, doesn’t God allow that? · Doesn’t God allow sin to break homes, to bring disease and death and misery? · Doesn’t God allow sin to bring war with all its horrors to the nations that forget God, and death to millions? And if the same God is running things just the other side of the thin veil we call death, then you may be sure that in the next world the sinner will reap what he sows, and will get his honest wages. And every poor, wicked, Christ-rejecting, Hell-deserving sinner will come to the place of torment, reserved for those who will not repent, will not trust Christ, and will not be saved. The man who does not believe in Hell is a wilful fool who does not want to believe what his eyes see. “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Num. 32:23). “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). When you see the ruin wrought by man’s sin, tell me, please, is God to blame for that? In this world, trouble, tragedy, heartache, ruin, death, are the fruits of sin. We may be sure that in the next world God’s laws about sin have not changed. People go to Hell because they are sinners. The torments of Hell are the fruits of their sin. People go to Hell because they ought to go, because it is right. Hell is the place for sinners.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:42:02 +0000

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