Sin is a sickness of heart, to be sure, though its ongoing - TopicsExpress


Sin is a sickness of heart, to be sure, though its ongoing lethality derives from the willful suppression and denial of the truth of God. It is written, “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress (i.e., hold down: κατέχω) the truth by their unrighteousness, because that which can be known about God is evident within them, for God has revealed it to them” (Rom. 1:18-19). People “suppress the truth in unrighteousness,” which means they choose to deny reality for the sake of their selfish illusions (John 3:19-20). Tragically, the natural state of the soul prefers selfish inner darkness than the light of God’s righteousness (Rom. 8:7). In this connection we note that Paul states that Moses did not reveal the moral truth by giving the Ten Commandments, since sacred reality is understood within every created soul (John 1:9; Acts 17:24-28). Where he says, “against all ungodliness” he refers to our duty before God (בֵּין אָדָם לָמָקוֹם); and likewise “all unrighteousness,” refers to our duty toward others (בֵּין אָדָם לְחֲבֵרוֹ). The “invisible things of God are seen” so vividly that people are “without excuse” (ἀναπολόγητος) for their evasion and rejection of the Divine Presence, which constitutes the disposition of rebellion, treason, and chillul Hashem (Rom. 1:20). Ultimately, refusing to turn to God in teshuvah is spiritual suicide, since the soul remains under the wrath of God - a desolate condition devoid life, light, truth, meaning, purpose, and love (John 3:36).
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 01:10:32 +0000

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