Sin is listed in the Dictionary as the breaking of religious law, - TopicsExpress


Sin is listed in the Dictionary as the breaking of religious law, or a moral principle through a willful act, a state of habitual violation of such principles. Commit a sin, or an offense, or fault of any kind. So it is an act of violating God’s will. It is many times called a sin of crime. It is carless living, excessive food intake. Sin is passed down from Adam, for no baby has to be taught to sin, or do wrong. We work at teaching what is right. Sin is poison to the body, soul and spirit of man/women. Sin is missing the mark. Sin breaks relationships, destroys families. Jesus is the only one that did not sin, for He walked in the Spirit of God His Father. He lived and died for three days in the pit of hell and took upon Himself the sins of the world, He paid for mankind’s salvation in the past, present and future, as we accept Him as the way, truth and life. What happens is only a few (8) got into the ark. How many today are truly saved by faith in God grace, love, and mercy, will only be shown by who is admitted to heaven and who is sent to hell. Sin was represented by a tree God created in the garden and that tree was not supposed to be touched, but the women whom God created for Adam out of his rib; became deceived by looking, touching, tasting and giving to Adam and they both tried to hide from God. Man will never hide from God, for He knows where you are, who you are, and what you are and where your going. When you accept this fact you cry out to the Lord for help, to not take of any sin, for the wages of sin is Death. Notice sin, not sins. We are so human that we say, one sin will never matter with God! Who do we think we are kidding, God is not mocked for it only took one taste to cause Adam and Eve to sin. Are we any different, is God going to show us favor and say that’s ok? No! God hates sin and wants us to resist sin and the person who tells us its ok; that is the DEVIL. He has always presented him self and as an angel of light and shines the light in your eyes and you can’t see anything period. May we learn to develop faith that works, for if faith does not work, you have nothing to show for your belief? That sounds hard and it is, for that is the reason we need the Lord of Glory to come into our lives, to give us victory again and again. We are seeing people say we do not need the Holy Spirit and Jesus said, I will give you another comforter when I go back to heaven and He will empower you to live for the glory of the Lord for ever. Do you believe God, or are you going to concoct your own version of the Bible? God is the same yesterday: Old Testament; today, that’s today and Forever that is forever, so put your trust in the word of the Lord as your way, truth and life, then you will grow in the dirt God created us with, to His glory. That is the reason we are to abide in the Vine and when we do we bear fruit automatically. Are you bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God; or are you producing sin and missing the point? JESUS IS SINLESS and He wants us to be SINLESS as we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us of our sin!! That’s living in Gods righteousness, which is needed to get in to heaven. There is not other religion that can give you peace, only one, and that is Gods way for He created every thing good, so for goodness sake, repent and become like your creator; Godly!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 04:30:53 +0000

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