Since 1979, Iran has been moving from worse to worst, whether in - TopicsExpress


Since 1979, Iran has been moving from worse to worst, whether in its relationship with the neighboring countries and the world or the sectarian seditious speech which destroyed relationships in its community. This was before its transformation into a mobile mine that explodes randomly every day; killing hundreds in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan and other countries. This happened due to its intrusion that causes civil wars, as well as its calls with a tone the Islamic world has detested since 1,350 years ago. Now that Iran is commemorating Ashoura Day, it must reflect on the teachings and ideas of Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) household, as well as that of Hussein bin Ali — may Allah be pleased with them. This is if Iran is really striving towards establishing good relations with its neighbors and attaining solidarity with the Islamic world. Iran’s leadership should learn from the Prophet (PBUH) and his two grandsons — Hassan and Hussein, may Allah be pleased with them. It should stop instigating sedition that has prompted Muslims to kill one another. arabtimesonline/NewsDetails/tabid/96/smid/414/ArticleID/201183/reftab/36/t/When-will-Tehran-stop-enrichment-of-sedition/Default.aspx
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 05:45:28 +0000

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