Since [Aleister] Crowley already had his own order, why did the - TopicsExpress


Since [Aleister] Crowley already had his own order, why did the OTO [Ordo Templi Orientis] interest him? First, [Theodor] Reuss convinced the Beast that the OTO had potential access to the thought-world of Freemasonry worldwide. Second, Reuss claimed for the OTO a descent from the supposed late medieval Fraternity of German adept, Christian Rosenkreuz, and while a few suspected “Frater C.R.” of being a literary invention or “blind,” no one was sure. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn claimed “his” authority, but contact with authentic German Rosicrucian adepts had never been realized. Here, perhaps, was Crowley’s chance to make the link, involved, as he was, in superseding Mathers’ and Westcott’s broken order, to “regenerate the world, the little world my sister,” as The Book of the Law prophesied - See more at: disinfo/#sthash.mbSRyGfN.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 19:24:54 +0000

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