Since Garima Shewkani Rishabh Ghai and Sabyasachi Patra have all - TopicsExpress


Since Garima Shewkani Rishabh Ghai and Sabyasachi Patra have all nominated me to list my fav reads, Im going to take the liberty of extending my list to 30 :p Here goes 1 Chocolat 2 who moved my cheese 3 the alchemist 4 raavi paar 5 prisoner of birth 6 da vinci code 7 Charlie & the chocolate factory 8 kaali andhi 9 Julies cars are 10 mal gudi days 11 breakout nations 12 he swam with the sharks for an ice cream 13 Alice in wonderland 14 little women 15 great expectations 16 harry potter 17 shadow lines 18 ravan & Eddie 19 tale of 2 cities 20 tinkle 21 trophy wives 22 rukogi nahi Radhika 23 who will cry when you die 24 tuesdays with morrie 25 kite runner 26 P L Deshpandes and Bretchs plays 27 Premchand & R K narayan short stories 28 Roald Dahl & PG wodehouse 29 shobha de (sometimes) 30 ignited minds Tell me yours - Madhura Athanikar Poorva Joshi Drushtee Shinde Kashyap Swaroop Vatsal Khandelwal Satyajit Narayanan Harshita Maheshwari Ankita Rajadhyaksha Omkar Damodar Lele Terry Quadros
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 15:49:06 +0000

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