Since I am OTT because I have Fibroymagalia and Arthritis, I want - TopicsExpress


Since I am OTT because I have Fibroymagalia and Arthritis, I want to share with the public exactly how I am treated here in Fife. Councillor Ian, I think this may interest you. • Lynne Nicoll o Hi Kelly thank you for today it was fab, just getting a few things confirmed before we stick it on the gala page, we said originally 7.30 pm but can we go for 8 pm and cap it at 50 people and £2 ticket with whatever is made we can split it in half x • 23 October Balgonie Castle o That sounds great and thank you. • 23 October Lynne Nicoll o hi ye i asked last night about moving the time forward from 7.30pm to 8pm x • 23 October Balgonie Castle o Okay thanks as I was making a poster too I will change it. • 23 October Lynne Nicoll o phew • 23 October Balgonie Castle o I had a bad start this morning, sorry I simply forgot. • 23 October Lynne Nicoll o if your making a poster, then it seems daft for us to make a poster to, why not just use the one poster x • • • • • Conversation started Friday • 01/11/2013 15:06 Kelly Morris Balgonie Hi Lynne, I am very happy your Spooky Walk was so successful. My father in law just asked about the entrance fee we were going divide half and half. I explained I thought you would have given it to him last night. Please bring the castles decorations when you bring the money. Thank you, Kelly • 01/11/2013 17:42 Lynne Nicoll Hi Kelly, yes its half and half however some people ( local folk ) have still to give the money for the tickets so once its all in and counted you will get half, was it ok that your father in law gave us a loan of the decorations ? • Saturday • 02/11/2013 09:27 Kelly Morris Balgonie Thanks Lynne I will tell Raymond as soon as he is up. To the decorations, I was a bit surprised but it is okay as long as I have them back by Sunday or Monday. I have a P1 class coming who is doing Dragon Land and I was going to use a some of the decorations for them • Monday • 04/11/2013 13:31 Kelly Morris Balgonie Hi Lynne, I really need my decorations back. Stuart can come and collect them, if you can give me an address for him to collect them from. Thanks, Kelly • 04/11/2013 15:37 Lynne Nicoll Hi we have been along but the door bell wasnt working so we couldnt get it, we have left a box but there is still a box to come • 04/11/2013 15:38 Kelly Morris Balgonie Thank you we are all down stairs. Stuart is coming out to check. Thanks • Monday • 04/11/2013 19:48 Kelly Morris Balgonie Hi Lynne, I need the second box of decorations tomorrow. The children will be here at 9am Wed Morning. My father in law has apologised to me for allowing this to happen. I am very upset because we never gave your group permission to go into our private kitchen and borrow my mother in laws silver trays which she was looking for yesterday. I feel you have completely abused our hospitality by not keeping your word to pay my father in law the £50, by going into our kitchen and borrowing silver trays in which we found the leaf tray in the halloween box and by not returning the halloween decorations when I asked for them back. Kelly Morris of Balgonie • 04/11/2013 20:39 Lynne Nicoll You need to mid your manners and how to speak to people before you go accusing anyone for taking silver trays, there was 1 silver tray which the shortbread biscuits were on, where this came form I have no idea, however it was in the box so it got returned, as for the £50 DONATION, it was suggested half the money for the tickets and if all tickets were sold it would be £50 however not all tickets were sold so it would not be £50 and it was not a promise from either myself nor anyone else it was a suggestion, I also stated to you that when all the money was and signed of we would be along, however on those grounds we will not be back along with any donation because of the way you have acted however someone will be along with the remaining decorations though you are welcome to keep the full sized skeleton that is in the prison and the graveyard sign and the extra tomb stone • 04/11/2013 20:42 Lynne Nicoll Why on earth would you message someone who has nothing to do with the gala about this ? • 04/11/2013 20:47 Lynne Nicoll Hi Lynne, I need the second box of decorations tomorrow. The children will be here at 9am Wed Morning. My father in law has apologised to me for allowing this to happen. I am very upset because we never gave your group permission to go into our private kitchen and borrow my mother in laws silver trays which she was looking for yesterday. I feel you have completely abused our hospitality by not keeping your word to pay my father in law the £50, by going into our kitchen and borrowing silver trays in which we found the leaf tray in the halloween box and by not returning the halloween decorations when I asked for them back. Kelly Morris of Balgonie • 04/11/2013 20:48 Lynne Nicoll this is what the daft mair sent a wee while ago • Today • 10:04 Kelly Morris Balgonie I am not here to fight with you, just bring our decorations back. • 10:16 Kelly Morris Balgonie Thanks Lynne for your professionalism. OSCR is getting a copy of this to investigate. Kelly • 11:00 Lynne Nicoll Your father in law did say you were on anti depressants and a bit ott, its ok we forgive you Sent from Markinch
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 14:09:35 +0000

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