Since I couldnt get the tickets to the Hobbit last weekend I knew - TopicsExpress


Since I couldnt get the tickets to the Hobbit last weekend I knew that I was going to watch a bad movie. it was either going to be a badly made rebellion film against tyranny in future (Hunger Games: Mockingjay) or a badly made rebellion film against tyranny in the past (Exodus). Since Hunger Games cant just seem to end and though Jennifer Lawrence is talented she is not as talented as Hollywood thinks she is, I decided to go for Ridley Scotts Exodus. Now even though Exodus had Christian Bale attached to it, I knew this was going to be bad simply because Ridley Scott the director who gave us the legendary films like Blade Runner and Alien, and to a lesser extent Gladiator (the end is so bad) and Black Hawk Down, at one point decided that script isnt important and filled his movies with great visual splendor which he is very good at, pretty much what James Cameron does now. Though I would like to call Ridley Scott a sell-out he at times produces such brilliant scenes that I cant help but be in awe of the great director he once was. Its like the C-Section scene from Prometheus, really good but totally unneeded, Scott has a great idea for a scene and the whole script was adjusted for that scene instead of trying to create a great scene without compromising the script. Religious media has always been very hard to watch for me because people are either evil non god believers or the faithful sheep and no tv show or movie whether Hindi or English or some other language is free from this bias. There is no place for the logical, the intelligent and the curious. This makes more or less all the religious media for the sheep and the truly religious experience is left to science fiction, I may have given Interstellar a hard time but I felt closer to god in that film that I did in Exodus or Ten Commandments (the first film on Moses exodus). Hell, Her made me feel that maybe creation of AI may lead to a new god with the new set of code of conduct, The Truman Show dealt with the controlling and conniving nature of god, this is what religion should be tackling not *cruelty to fellowman will be punished by god themes* religious films are dumb and Exodus, Noah (released earlier this year) and the vastly overrated Ten Commandments are no different, its right down there with all the Hindi religious stuff shown on television with shiny CGI [except for B.R. Chopras Mahabharat because that shit was awesome]. Now, what does the film do well? It is by no means a good film and this story has been told countless times before but I liked certain aspects of it, I like the fact that Moses is more human and relatable in this film, Christian Bale is too serious for this film and his approach doesnt suit the blockbuster nature of the film on the other hand we have Joel Edgerton who is very overthetop and silly but it goes with the theme of the film both men do justice to their roles but the film is so inconsistent that both are failed by its weakness. The ten plagues are a visual spectacle and makes me wonder why doesnt Ridley Scott use his powers for good (the irony). Red Sea parting is done well but the trailer showed so much of it nothing was left to the imagination. However Moses being complex, confused and doubtful of his actions just like Noah doesnt make either of the films any better, they are still both preachy mediocre films, I see a trend emerging in Hollywood. Lastly, I was thinking maybe Batman could have saved the Hebrews like he saved Gotham, way more efficient than Moses. P.S.- Children as gods have been shown countless times before in movies and even videogames, nothing groundbreaking there, however if Alien Engineers from Ridley Scotts Prometheus would have shown up in the form of god, I would have lost my shit and would have rated this film a lot higher.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:34:41 +0000

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