Since I decided to let God take over my enemies, anger and Love, - TopicsExpress


Since I decided to let God take over my enemies, anger and Love, etc. my sight on what my task here became very clear. God will simplify your life when you stop trying to live on how you feel you should live it. The more I grow spiritually, the more I know I have to change, because growth is changes. Since I know now for sure that Im a child of God, one who been reborn again spiritually and have salvation in him, I must change my scenery and surroundings. I already know where hes sending me out of New York to grow even further by myself....He has already cleaned up 80% of my credit debt for the move. By this time or sooner, I would have purchase a home in Georgia... Ive been talking about moving to Georgia for about two years, but nothing moves on your time, but his time and since Im running on his time, Im good. Prophecy in the making: Expect great things from The Chess Foundation in the years to come in New York. Christ had already told me, I had to suffer with my trial & tribulation in order to understand others thats going to come my way for help. I am living proof that no matter what the situation you are suffering in, if you let go and put it in Gods hand, he will lift you up and make you a better person, because your no good to him while your down & out. Stop trying to get revenge or want someone else to hurt, because your hurting...vengeance is his said the Lord. Someone told me....If you want God to laugh, tell him a joke........Tell him how you want to live....ALL PRAISE DUE TO GOD THRU CHRIST.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:09:57 +0000

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