Since I established this Facebook group some while back I have - TopicsExpress


Since I established this Facebook group some while back I have seen it grow with increasing rapidity, much like our nations population. :-) What has become obvious to me is that 85% of the herd vote Blue/Red team. 10% vote Green team........and 5% are prepared to take a punt on a range of smaller parties. Obviously these figures are very vague, but that is the guts of it........ Australian voters are notorious for backing the established brand. The people on this group are a pretty smart bunch. I am sure if we piled up all of our degrees wed make quite a large bonfire. Many of us are quite principled and so forth. Which is a huge problem if you want to gain voter support. Look to Europe for intellectual analysis of politics....not Australia. So it seems to me that if we are to prevail we need to look at pitching this to the lowest common denominator. Look at the kinds of very simplistic messaging employed by the major parties - this issue actually lends itself to fairly simple slogans. Like so many issues there is the complex, theoretical levels, and then there are the fairly simple and practical outcomes. The major parties are not shy about presenting things in these terms. I know some people on this group are appalled at this idea, and I understand that, but I think it would be possible to create messaging that appealed to the mainstream using the sorts of tactics the majors use. Stuck in traffic - stop Big Australia Cant afford a house? - Stop Big Australia Sont import jobseekers - train locals first! I am not seriously proferring these slogans, but just wanted to get the discussion do we get this message through to the mainstream voter?
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 11:07:55 +0000

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