Since I have been accused of being uncivil, because I support - TopicsExpress


Since I have been accused of being uncivil, because I support boycotts, protesting, and using the legal system to fight off the disaster that is (or will be) Sector Separation; I only respond that Using the power of the purse, exercise of free speech, and use of our legal system is the only civil discourse to use when fighting a measure that will surely spell doom to the federal recreational fishery. Towards that end, we will be compiling a list of Friends of the Recreational Angler and a list of those who are not friends. It will be up to you to decide how to proceed. I will say this; that if we are a huge economic power do not start being more wise about who we do business with and who ultimately ends up with out fishing dollars; they will continue to be used in ways that are not in our best interest (unless of course you think a 1 day red snapper season for the vast majority of the Gulf is in our best interest). I urge you to patronize those businesses; Hubbards Marina comes to mind here, that vocal work to defend our interest and avoid those businesses that work against them. Just because the Amendment 40 battle is not front and center in fishery news this week, we must not let it rest or forget. Some folks on the Sector Separation bandwagon have accused us of using our vast Recreational Lobby in Washington to have undue influence over the process, REALLY!. Lets consider the Environmental Defense Funds role in all of this. EDF has bankrolled various astro-turf groups like the Charter Fishermans Association (CFA), the Gulf Reef Fish Shareholder Alliance, the Gulf Seafood Institute and other. They have literally spent millions to create and prop up these puppet groups. In fact the recent lawsuit brought by the likes of Buddy at Katys Seafood of Galveston Texas was almost 100% funded by EDF used the EDF law firm that lobbies for EDF in DC. So please tell me again who is using lobbyist? We will fight this takeover of OUR fishery by a few corporate interest and we will use every civil means to accomplish our goal. This means boycotts, protest, and legal action. So accuse me all you want.... But the ones being uncivil are the likes of Eric Mahoney of Daisy Mae Charters in Clearwater beach who basically called all Recreational Anglers douche bags Eric Mahoney: You and possyack and Nara RFA fra CCA or whatever are a bunch of douchbags and dont deserve any civility. Its Garys post so I will leave it at that . Have a nice night. ( thats me being civil) The supporters of Amendment 40 have been shown that what they ask for is unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of recreational anglers (including those in their own industry) and will now resort to deflection and name calling as their weapon of choice, since logic and reason have left the building of the sector separation supporters.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:20:47 +0000

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