Since I have been assigned the #8 to post unknown things about me, - TopicsExpress


Since I have been assigned the #8 to post unknown things about me, here goes......considering my age maybe I should have had a higher number? 1. As a small child I was a wanderer and at the age of 2 was found by Mom out in the barn standing under a horses belly swatting her legs and saying, Giddyup, Babe! In another year or two I extended my horizons (while being tended by my dad and brothers when Mom went to town)--they found me a half mile away at Severinas and Isaacs farm munching on sugary store bought doughnuts from the National Tea Store--Severina always had a good supply! I was never punished for my wanderings which may explain later behaviors. They did, however, warn me against picking wild flowers in Tobias Olsons pasture because he had a mean Holstein bull. 2.While a student at a Class C school I had the distinction of playing guard on a girls basketball team that never won a game in 3 years! We had 5th graders for substitutes. 3. Being something of a nerd in high school I attended the Senior Prom with a fellow nerd. All the cool kids went on a beer bust down by the river afterward--we sneaked through the bushes to spy on them. 4. In 1952 I hosted a program called Your Home and You on KFJM-FM, Grand Forks, ND. It only aired once a month. 5. Once while working in Glacier my friends and I hiked 20 miles, came back in the middle of the afternoon to swim in Lake McDonald and then went to the M & M in Martin City and danced all night. A lot of years later a friend and I celebrated my 76th birthday by hiking 2 1/2 miles (straight up, I swear) from the Taos, NM, ski area to Williams Lake (elev. 11,404 ft.). It took us 2 hours because we had to stop to breathe. I have given up on high altitude activities! 6. Once spent a summer near a logging camp in the Flathead Forest. Cooked on a bullet-ridden camp stove we scrounged from the Forest Service dump. When baking it burned the bread on top so then I reversed them to burn the bottom. The center was edible. (Especially when you lived 40 miles from the store.) 7. When living in the woods in southern Ohio I went coon hunting with the men. We had Pete, a treeing Walker and Bo, a black and tan coon hound. I had a red tick pup that was useless. Coon hunting is great if you like stumbling around in the woods in the dark. 8. It was good to be a home economist, but my secret desire was always to have been a national park ranger naturalist. IF YOU DONT LIKE TO READ, ARENT YOU GLAD I WAS NOT GIVEN A BIGGER NUMBER?
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:18:01 +0000

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