Since I have moved, I have spent quite a bit of time to myself, - TopicsExpress


Since I have moved, I have spent quite a bit of time to myself, soul searching as some might put it. I have come to many realizations, some of which I may have already known and overlooked, and some of which I may have just discovered. Regardless... ever since I arrived, I have been 100% focused on not only bettering my life, but becoming a better man, a man who doesnt have to look at himself in the mirror, and ask himself wtf are you doing every day. I always seemed to feel this weight on my shoulder, no matter how much I accomplished or how much I tried. I was unhappy with my job, and I was unhappy with circumstances I was surrounded by, and I was simply tired of feeling trapped with no direction. My priorities were not straight. My sister Jennifer Obrycki went on vacation to South Carolina, and decided she was going to move here.. and I told her I wanted to come as well, and lucky for me, I have an awesome sister, who without hesitation, actually encouraged me to act upon it. I made the decision and about a month later. I was here. I didnt really have time to even think about what I was doing, I had just enough time to get everything in order before I left. I got here and realized how scary it is to leave every one of my true friends behind including my mom and my dad. I had no plan, and no real job lined up. All knew was I needed to make something out of this. Ive been here about 3 months now.. Now I wake up, motivated, I go to a job that I can say I truly enjoy, and that Im already climbing up the ladder, I have become more focused on who I am as a man, I am more focused on my music, and my movement than ive ever been, Im closer to my sister, who before this, I wouldnt say I was very close to, Ive discovered who my true friends are, and for the first time in a long time I can look in the mirror and tell myself Im on the right track, no matter where I end up, no matter what happens..Ill be alright, because I have finally awakened my consciousness. I have discovered, that acting upon some of lifes biggest fears, can have the greatest outcomes. You never know what the result will be until you act upon it. If youre stranded out in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight.. youll never find land if youre too afraid to choose a direction. Youll simply stay stranded. I have learned that life will always have its ups and downs.. its life, no matter what you do, no matter how much money, no matter how good your job is, what your relationship status may be, no matter what.. there will still be obstacles you HAVE to overcome. At the end of the day life keeps moving on. Which made me realize, its not about the situation or circumstance, its about how you act upon the circumstance or problem. You ALWAYS have a choice, and no matter how bad things can be, you can either CHOOSE to be happy, or choose to let it tear you apart and control you. You dont have to have the most friends, the best job, the most money.. YOU have YOU. And youre the only one who you truly spend your ENTIRE life with. Its also about what you can do to greatly impact everyone whom you interact with on a day to day basis, nobody knows what the other person is dealing with, and we as human beings have the power to change someone life, even in one conversation. I know from experience how many people Ive come across who Ive learned so much from, whether it was one conversation, or a lasting friendship. Its not about what you do for a living, its about what you do for the world. I have realized that putting your mind Into a positive place, and surrounding yourself with positive people, will attract positive results; something I always seemed to preach but never followed. Ive truly learned to appreciate life, and everything around me, it has come natural. People, situations, and anything that comes at you, come into your life for a reason, and that reason is to teach you something. You can either, accept & learn from it, or you can let IT control YOU. Either way its a choice. No matter how bad things in life may get, it could always be worse, and it can & will always get better. That being said, (if you have read this far) I do understand that not everybody has the opportunity to just up and leave. But you do have a choice to take control of the situation youre in now, and manifest what it is you want. You may not be happy with the circumstances your in right now, but you can be happy with who you are, and be happy to be alive. In return, bettering your circumstances, dont submit to them or you will only be running a treadmill. Take a moment out of every day, dont worry about money, dont worry about what happened at work, or what happened in your past, etc, and just enjoy whats around you. feel blessed to be alive, dont worry about what anyone else thinks about you, and choose to be happy. Live in the moment. Remember, Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day You cant ever really know the meaning of you life, And you dont have to.. just know your life has meaning Thanks to everyone who has come into my life and taught me a valuable lesson And made an impact on my life. The good and the bad Its all a learning lesson and has made me who I am right now. To all my friends and family, I miss yall. Much love.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 01:29:03 +0000

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