Since I have never been known to have a moral compass and - TopicsExpress


Since I have never been known to have a moral compass and apparently only recently acquired one in the last 14 years could people give me some advice. Here is the thing. I have worked at my current job for 12 years. I even turned down a much better paying job 6 years into that 12 years because I liked the job I was doing, thought there was a future, and so on and so forth. At the the 10th year the owner brought in a guy who admittedly was a good worker but not exactly manager material. Not that he couldnt do it he just didnt really seem to want to. But he got way better pay than anyone else. They paid for his training in the primary aspect of the business he would be working in. And frankly I actually like the guy. Good Christian man. The real thing not the pretend kind like 90% of them. So after 2 years and lets just say a considerable amount of money he quits last month taking all that training with him. Then my boss makes mention that I should start training in that job and I get a raise. Well here is the deal. I already got the raise but I told them they can forget about me doing that particular job because they deserve exactly what they got. 2 years and a ton of cash pissed out the window on a guy who hadnt worked there a day versus me who had worked there for 10 years. Does it make me a bad person that I burst out laughing in the bosss face when he told me the other guy was quitting and then I took the raise but not the job anyway? As a recently Ordained Minister I would just like to know if it makes me a bad person that my inner evil gnome was running up and down the aisles with middle fingers up screaming buhahahahaha? Just curious.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 01:23:43 +0000

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