Since I realize that she is upset, I am going to clarify this - TopicsExpress


Since I realize that she is upset, I am going to clarify this email at the end. Hi Zane I have a best friend who took her life today and honestly I dont know if it was my fault or a female friend I went to school with or the friend I went to school with boyfriend . My best friend has already been thru so much stage four lupus , domestic violence , divorce, rob , rap , and left in the ditch half dead n The boyfriend was using my bestie and I knew it so I got involved and tried to pull her out of the situation because let face it this guy was just using her and messing over his girlfriend I knew. But my best friend left this world blaming herself for all the drama she cause with the boyfriend and the girl I knew but I cant help but think i was the blame . TO CLARIFY: Let call the writer Betty. Bettys best friend committed suicide today. Lets call her Ann. Betty is trying to figure out if she should blame herself, another young lady she went to school with (Sue) or Sues boyfriend (Tom). Tom was fooling around with Ann behind Sues back. Betty tried to convince Ann to leave the situation because Tom was using her and messing over Sue. Betty believes that Ann took her own life because she was blaming herself for the drama she caused in Tom and Sues relationship. But Ann had been through stage four lupus, domestic vioence, divorce, robbery, rape and was left half-dead in a ditch prior to all of this. MY RESPONSE: I am sorry that your friend committed suicide and it is a terrible thing for those left behind to have to deal with. It is going to take time, maybe even years, to get over it, and I will not lie to you about that. However, you cannot speculate about why she did it. It may have been a culmination of all that she had gone through in her life, but the decision was hers and hers alone. Pray for her family, pray for her soul, and we are all going to pray for you. There is nothing you can do to change it. If she took her life over a man, that is truly sad. I love you and wish you strength and patience as you deal with this process.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 17:00:56 +0000

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