Since I started my Facebook account I have kept it private and Im - TopicsExpress


Since I started my Facebook account I have kept it private and Im not sure why. Oh yeah because my ex-girlfriend hates all of you and any hint that I have friends really made her mad. Also she hated (hates still maybe?) that my only interest in life is not to be a wealthy man but a writer that may never make a penny. Women and money am I right? Probably not, just that one woman. The other day I was in a real bad car accident and in a moment of weirdness I removed almost all my friends from my friend list mostly because of the weirdness but I noticed the more people I removed the more posts I could see from people that I didnt even know used Facebook. That made Facebook a little more interesting when I take a poop, the one of only two times I log in. The other is when Im writing and I think I need a distraction for cigarette smoking time. Oh and I guess there is when J Andrew Schrecker comes over to smoke cigarettes and watch movies and it makes him angry when I pull an electronic device out and instead of watching the movie I read Blake Butler posts instead of watching the movie. This I completely understand. When I really want someone to watch a movie that I think is really good and they are missing all the best parts playing on their phones or watching their kids. So a lot of people are gone sadly but Ive made the page public to share my brilliance with everyone i.e. my little stories. Most words arent worth writing if no one is going to read them so Im just going balls deep and flooding your feeds with The Writing, and this first post marks a preface to my arrogance. First Im going to name drop Blake Butler like crazy. He is an AMAZING writer and I didnt mind so much being called a fag at work the other day when I was telling a coworker that she had to read There is No Year and the little redneck guy expressed my gayness for enjoying to read and expressing my admiration for a male and his art. Ew I just dipped my fork in the ashtray instead of my bowl of delicious food that my mom made which leads me to... Second, a mini biography of Robert Weikel IV. Im getting closer to 36 and I live in my parents basement. With comic books, a PlayStation 3 (and if Bob Weikel a.k.a my dad finds it in his heart to turn that bad boy into a PS4 (I know ladies keep your panties on I cant help the more I type of my glamorous life the more Im completely turning you on)), a Star Wars exclusive Xbox 360 a Wii and all the Kevin Smith, Woody Allen and David Lynch movies you can shake a stick at, as well as my super library of books. Yes I am that guy. In fact when Im done typing this and before I set down to start on the book Im probably going to watch Iron Man 3 on blu ray and Robert Rosselinis Germany Year Zero, read a little Sam Pink on the Kindle while listening to the musical scores from Stanley Kubrick Films. Thats just a small window into what I have become and if anyone has actually read Also Sprach Zarathustra then you know it is not the being but the becoming. Write, cook, read, watch and if I have time it is used to keep Rachel Diane Shelton from getting mad at me or trying to get Plain Jane to marry me. Why did I write this and why do you care? I dont know but you should also check out the artwork of Charles Shoemaker and Dakoda Weikel as it is mind blowing as are all the posts I read while I poop. This marks Week One.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 03:41:56 +0000

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