Since I trailed these bumper stickers for a few minutes, I will - TopicsExpress


Since I trailed these bumper stickers for a few minutes, I will respond 1. I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. This is because your Christians are so unlike Christ. Gandhi RESPONSE If Gandhi liked Christ, he would have become a Christian, since one cannot like his teaching and deny the claims and credentials of the teacher. Jesus is Lord and Savior, not just a teacher. Further, Jesus never said that most his followers would come close to being like himself. However, our good works show our faith. We strive for that, but claim forgiveness and strength when we fail. Even more, Christians have done more good in the world than any other group--serving plague victims, rescuring babies from death, serving the poor, raising the level of women, making scientific discoveries, and more. Compare that to Gandhis Hinduism: The Caste System. Lastly, I have known many Christians who are Christ-like to some degree. 2. Pesticides Suck. RESPONSE If so and univerrsally, then lets hear it for insect infestation and malaria. The latter was wiped out by DDT. But the environmentalists had a fuss fit about it and eliminated it. Thus, millions of people, especially in Africa, have died of malaria. Pesticides are often better option when you consider the damage done by insects. Life is about trade-offs, not utopian schemes. 3. My Church is the Woods. RESPONSE Lets hear it for poisenous snakes, hungry bears, hungry wolves, bees, and more. These are things not like found in Wellspring Anglican Church, for example. The church is, for Paul, the pillar and foundation of saving truth. Gods is revealed in nature, but we need more than nature. Listen to God.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:25:26 +0000

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