Since I went on a run with Allyson Baker and Kathie Duart about 3 - TopicsExpress


Since I went on a run with Allyson Baker and Kathie Duart about 3 years ago I have been running with Striders. I then had to deal injuries and slowly started to run again with the help of great people. There was a time when I didnt think I could run long because of IT band and foot problems. Then I meet Stanley Ostrom and he got me to stop whining and to get on my feet no mater how I felt I will never forget him taking me on a 17 mile run/hike and it was just what I needed. You see up till Way to Cool I was running with a great group of people who had done what I wanted to do, run an ultra, I finally ran my first ultra at WTC. It was such a victory for me. The next ultra I wanted to do was the 50/50 which was what every one who runs with the Striders talk about. I have heard so much about Roland Martin and Kim McKim and others who pioneered this race and the stories I have heard from Lon, John and Al while we run the long miles. Its a storied event and it was bigger than ever in my world and I wanted to run that race but there was one problem and that was that almost every time I ran on Peavine in would end up aggravating an injury. But with persistence and training on the mountain I have become stronger and more confident and I was determined to get Peavine out of my head. Last year I helped my running partner Al Mastas at the finish line and I had a blast. This year I wanted to run the race but also wanted to help. John Trent came up with a plan for me to do both. I had such a great time being aid station coordinator which was such a breeze with the aid station captains that have been serving the runners over the years, they were awesome and I got to experience that first hand. Steve Lang was our timing expert this year and he was in so great to work with. Thank you Jenny Capel and your team for all you do and for a great vibe at registration at Eclips Pizza. Kathie Duart and Al thank you for everything you do and the servers that you are you guys are a blessing. Thank you to all those who marked the course and swept this year it was so well done. So to finish this really long post, I can now say that I completed a personal dream turned into a vision and that was to Finnish the 50/50 50K and it was awesome! Life is about the memories, when you leave this planet you can take nothing physical with you so start racking up those memories that are worth so much. I also love giving back to this sport that has given so much to me, there is no value I could ever place on what I have received. Thank you Silver State Striders. This is the longest post I have ever written and it will never happen again. Your welcome. PS-that is Annie Trent working the camera and runway with her latest running attire. Sweet!
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 05:55:31 +0000

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