Since Im being mentioned on FB for sharing this, I may as well - TopicsExpress


Since Im being mentioned on FB for sharing this, I may as well share it some more =) CHRISTMAS Gift Exchanging: What does the Bible actually reveal? We all know how things are celebrated during the time of year around December 25th, so this will only address specific items to get at the core of asking: Is the Exchanging of Gifts at Christmas-time a Biblically approved observance, or not? To know what is or isn’t factual from the source that the life of Jesus Christ is about, we are obligated to read the parts of the book that talk about Christ being born, and what else is said concerning things God expects people to pay attention to. The ONLY place in the entire Bible where the events of Christ’s birth have been used to back up a Christmas scenario are in *Matthew chapter 2*. We will mention *verses 1 through 11* for this, because it is *verse 11* that is the crux of what Christmas is about: Exchanging Gifts, and the Birth of Jesus Christ. As you read below, NOTE THE **ASTERISK** PARTS, for they are how we understand the focus of what we are to learn from this chapter in Matthew. Matthew chapter 2: 1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is **born King of the Jews?** for we have seen his star in the east, and are **come to worship him**. 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. 5 And they said to him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, 6 And you Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, are not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of you shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. 7 Then Herod, when he had privately **called the wise men**, inquired of them diligently **what time the star appeared**. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and **search diligently for the young child**; and when you have found him, bring me word again, **that I may come and worship him also.** 9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, see, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came **and stood over where the young child was.** 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. 11 And when they were **come into the house**, they **saw the young child with Mary his mother**, and fell down, and worshipped him: and **when they had opened their treasures, they presented to him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.** This chapter provides several insights that usually become over-looked when the story of Christmas is considered.… 1. Matthew 2:2 tells us that Jesus was born **KING of the JEWS**. Don’t over-look this part. He was **born as a KING!** 2. Also in verse 2 the wise men mentioned in this story, were there to **Worship** HIM! More will be mentioned about this when we finish mentioning the highlights of this chapter. 3. Verse 7 tells us that Herod **privately** called the wise men to inquire of them what **time** the **star** appeared. 4. Verse 8 tells us that Herod sent the wise men to **search diligently** for the **young child**, so that He may go and **worship Him also**. 5. Verse 9 is emphasized again about the star appearing over where the “young **child** was”. 6. Verse 11 tells us that the wise men had **come into the house** and “saw the **young child**… 7. The end of verse 11 tells us that the wise men had brought Him gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh”. Okay, let’s address these 7 comments from chapter 2 of Matthew… ONE: Christ was born to become a KING, this is THE **ONLY** reason He was presented with Gifts. Presenting a King or a Leader of a Nation with Gifts when visiting them is a custom all around the globe…..has been for Millenia! TWO: The wise men went to **Worship** Him because they KNEW he was **born to become a future KING**. No one would bring gifts such as these to an infant that wasn’t born of the stature that Christ was born, to eventually fulfill. THREE: Herod **privately** called the wise men **to Inquire of** “them”. In other words, the specifics that the wise men knew, wasn’t for Herod to know; or else as someone who was **already** a National Leader, he would have **been** “IN the know”. This “inquiring” indicates Herod having an ulterior motive for asking the wise men about this. FOUR: Verse 8 is more evidence that Herod wasn’t being forthright, or else **He** as a Leader in his own right,**would have KNOWN** where to find another coming Leader. How do we know for sure that Herod’s motives were malicious in intent? Go back and re-read verse 4, where it tells us that Herod **DEMANDED** of them where Christ should be born. Why would God let wise men unknown to Herod know, and **Not** Herod? FIVE: Verse 9 uses the words again **Young child**. This is very important as verse 11 reveals. SIX: Verse 11 begins with telling us that the wise men had **come into the HOUSE**. Christ was no longer at the Manger that is mentioned only in Luke chapter 2, verses 7, 12 and 16. This is also part of the reason for the wording of **Young child**. It was **Shepherds** who were guided to a manger, NOT wise men. **Context is critical** to understanding what the Bible teaches. SEVEN: The end of verse 11 is THE crux of all of this. It tells us that THE Wise Men fell down, and worshipped him: **and when they had opened their treasures, they presented to him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.** These gifts were presented ONLY to Him! They were not “exchanging” gifts with others. What would a Young child do with Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh? Look them up, they each have a value and a purpose unique to themselves. To sum this up…. The gifts from the wise men were being presented to someone who was born to **become a KING**, and this is the **ONLY reason** Christ as a **Young child** was **presented with** gifts. It had nothing to do with a Birthday celebration! Further evidence of this is that these wise men did not reach this coming King **until** he was already a Young child. We have the evidence of this in verse 11 of Matthew chapter 2 where it tells us that the wise men had come **into The House.** Christ was **no longer** in a manger. Nice late birthday gifts huh? **(2 years late!)** No matter when the wise men arrived, they were still honoring someone who came to be a King! You can read through the entire New Testament, and you won’t be able to find one example of anyone ever giving Jesus Christ a gift of any kind on the annual day of His birth! Yes there are hints of the general time of year that He was born, and with enough in-depth study through the New and Old Testaments, we can possibly pinpoint the time of Jesus Christ’s own birth, yet it was in the Early fall (scripture reminds us the flocks were still out in the fields). And in conclusion, although Christs birth is never spoken of in scripture as something we are to take an annual notice of; we are Commanded to observe His Death once every year, and were even Told Very Precisely how to observe it, as it is a truly solemn occasion. There is wisdom in staying mindful about WHY Christ was brought gifts from the Magi, and that they Did Not arrive to present them until he was a Young Child...a Toddler. These various bits if information are in Matthew chapter 2, to provide us insight about what events were going on around that region when Christ was was taxation time AND the Fall Festival observance time!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:42:39 +0000

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