Since Johnny Manziel is the ONLY story that matters in training - TopicsExpress


Since Johnny Manziel is the ONLY story that matters in training camp, ESPN has asked its beat writers of all 32 franchises to come up with a Manziel-themed article that relates to their team. If Johnny Football eats Peanut Butter and Jelly for lunch, ESPN will have it covered. AFC East - Pats - Gisele rips Manziels GFs fashion sense Dolphins - South Beach clubs bracing for Fins-Browns matchup in 16 Jets - Report: Manziel told Jets not to draft him after touring Cortland bars Bills - Citing higher alc content in Canada, Manziel advises move to Toronto AFC North - Steelers - Manziel and Big Ben tear up Tahoe scene before start of camp Ravens - Rice: If Manziel did this, he wouldve only gotten one game Bengals - Manziel: If Dalton is worth $115 mil, Im worth $1.5 bil Browns - Manziel and Lebron turn Toledo contaminated water into wine AFC South - Colts - Manziel outdrinks Luck 12-1 in five minute contest Titans - Manziel: Mettenberger shouldve clocked Tide fan at local bar Jags - Bortles legally changes name to Blake Football Texans - Foster: Manziel wouldve been a great teammate, man AFC West - Broncos - Peyton mulled retirement as Denver considered Manziel in Draft Chiefs - Smith worried about job when Manziel enters FA in 17 Chargers - Manziel plans beach party for 5,000 immigrants b4 SD matchup Raiders - Raider fan sacrifices newborn son to Manziel NFC East - Giants - Manziel seen with Plaxico, Bieber at LQ Eagles - Chip: Well score 4TDs faster than Manziel can finish a bottle of JD Redskins - Manziel rookie jersey sales outpace RGIIIs three-fold Cowboys - Jerry: If I only got my way NFC North - Packers - Manziel sees video of GB heffers, refuses to travel for scrimmage Vikings - Manziel and McKinnie partner to start Stripper Cruise Line Lions - Bush enraged as Manziel seen out at club with Kardashian Bears - Cutler channels inner-Manziel, plans to run Wildcat NFC South - Falcons - Ryan: If we drafted Manziel, I wouldve given up No. 2 jersey Saints - Manziel sets one-night record for beads handed out on Bourbon St. Bucs - Schiano: If Manziel played for us in 13, Id still have a job Panthers - Cam: My autograph sales at Auburn paled in comparison NFC West - 49ers - Report: Manziel key piece in proposed Harbaugh trade Seahawks - Sherman: Even I could stop a Manziel-Crabtree combo Cards - Glendale clubs praying for Browns to reach SB Rams - Manziel to grow a Fisher-esque stache
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:26:15 +0000

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