Since Kenyans are well known for having short memories, It will - TopicsExpress


Since Kenyans are well known for having short memories, It will take record keepers like me to remind them some basic facts: When the Western Nations do not like you- they gang up with the Civil Society- and paint you BLACK. During the Moi days, his administration was painted as hopelessly corrupt etc. Anything Moi did, was always painted as useless. It is only after Moi left, that Kenyans realised that Baba Moi was not the devil the Civil Society, the West and the Media told us he was. Fast Forward to 2014- President Uhuru is facing similar onslaught. There is deliberate, sustained and well calculated scheme to paint whatever he is doing as corrupt, inept and totally useless. Check carefully all over the world, starting with Ukraine. You will notice that the West- using the Civil Society and selected media houses will always portray any leader that does not serve its interest as hopeless. Let us just start with the Standard Newspaper. In the past two months, the Paper has been spreading OUTRIGHT LIES against the Government. There is a huge difference between reporting and sharing information- and OUTRIGHT LIES. Three days ago- the Paper published pure LIES that sh 100 million was used in the Cabinet Retreat. Truth is only sh 8.4 million was used. On the Standard Gauge Railway- The Standard has been reporting pure LIES, even after the head of Communication at the Chinese Embassy visited the top editors and furnished them with TRUTH. Instead of apologizing to Kenyans for misinforming them, the paper has continued to LIE. Standard continues to give people like Jicho Pevu airtime to continue lying to people with simple minds- who swallow anything thrown at them without interrogating the validity and the source. What would drive a Media House to continue in the path of deliberate distortion of facts? Who is driving this deliberate path of misinformation, and why?
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:05:04 +0000

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