Since Mayor de Blasio was sworn in last New Year’s Day, New - TopicsExpress


Since Mayor de Blasio was sworn in last New Year’s Day, New Yorkers have, in fits and starts, begun to realize that they elected a dangerously erratic Sandinista-loving radical as mayor. Serious calls for de Blasio’s ouster are now coming from civic leaders throughout New York. De Blasio’s behavior reflects his pathological, hateful, profoundly anti-American ideology. He can’t conceal his contempt for those whose job it is to promote law and order. This is what happens when a small-c communist becomes mayor of the nation’s greatest metropolis. Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, who helped turn New York from a crime-infested urban jungle into a relatively crime-free city, said it was “shameful” for politicians to drive a wedge between police and the communities they serve. De Blasio hasn’t generated all of this racial hostility and antipathy toward cops on his own. He’s had a lot of help from President Obama who has been trying to kickstart a wave of civil unrest since even before he took office. The president’s policy of trying to foment violent civil unrest is finally paying dividends. frontpagemag/2014/matthew-vadum/backlash-against-de-blasio/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:05:19 +0000

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