Since Midsummers evening was last weekend (more commonly known as - TopicsExpress


Since Midsummers evening was last weekend (more commonly known as the Summer Solstice - the astronomical beginning to Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and thereby the day which contains the most sunlight) I figured Id rehash a bible study I always found interesting, but is rarely touched upon. In the books of Ezekiel and Revelation, both, its revealed there are 4 unique angelic cherubim surrounding the Throne of God. One has the face of an Ox/Bull, One has the face of a Lion, One has the face of an Eagle, One has the face of a Man. Its been interpreted, even since the early church, that these four symbolically represent a unique facet of Christ as expressed through the four gospels. Mark correlates to the Ox/Bull, for its a gospel which emphasizes Christs servanthood, seeing as how the oxen are beasts of burden and servitude plowing the fields of harvest. Christ is the sacrificial bull in Mark. Matthew correlates to the Lion, seeing as how Christ is named the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and Judah is the Messianic / Royal tribe through which the Messiah was promised to come. Matthew highlights distinctly Jewish / Hebraic thought patterns in his gospel. Christ is the conquering Lion in Matthew. John correlates to the Eagle, seeing as how his gospel is uniquely distinct from the other three synoptic gospels. His domain is soaring in the heavens, whereas the other three figures are locked to the earth. John presents Christ as the Son of God in a very esoteric way that the other writers do not come close to expressing. As the Eagles vision pierces for miles, so Johns gospel unravels the heavenly mysteries of Christ, stretching infinitely above our domain. Christ is the darling of Heaven in John. Luke correlates to the Man, as his gospel distinctly emphasizes Christs humanity more than any other gospel. His compassion and human element are fleshed out more here than elsewhere, and as such Christ is displayed as the Son of Man. It also presents the most historically complete gospel record, replete with historical record and dates, genealogical record stretching back to Adam (the father of mankind), and precise geographical statements. Christ is the Man-God in Luke. These 4 unique Cherubim, which all represent a Revelation of Christs nature, these 4 are all stationed at the four cardinal directions around the encampment of Israel as she traveled through the wilderness for 40 years. How is that? With the chart I attached to this post its plainly seen. Jewish history declares each of the 12 tribes of Israel was associated with a symbolic image, and these images are derived from both the prophetic utterances in Genesis 49, and Deuteronomy 33. The 12 tribes of Israel had ensigns, or flags, of which they would fly with these images stamped upon them as they walked through the desert to maintain their unique tribal identity. God arranged the Tribes, encircling the Tabernacle of Gods habitation at the center, in a cross shape, for 40 years. And it just so happens God arranged the tribes in such a way that the tribes which also carried the likeness of those 4 Heavenly cherubim are also stationed at the 4 cardinal directions (North - South - East - West) , and these particular tribes were designated as the leaders of each direction, or station. The entryway to the door of the Tabernacle of Gods presence was guarded, so to speak, by the Lion, the tribe of Judah, in the East (for the entryway into Gods Tabernacle and Temple is always stationed at the East). Likewise, when the sun arose on the horizon in the East, those rays of light filtered down through the thousands of Judah, the Lion, before touching anyone else. As we understand Judah is unique and special for being the promised carrier of the Messiah, so we understand when Christ says I AM the Light, and I AM the Door in Johns gospel, that as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, He had special position in Gods economy and encampment for being positioned in the east, so to speak, between the suns rays and the door of the Tabernacle. (Christ also died on the cross directly East of the Temple, where the Red Heifer was offered as a sacrifice, on the Mount of Olives.... In His Second Coming, as well, He is depicted as coming from the East.) What is my overall point? The 4 cherubim (Oxen, Lion, Eagle, Man) surrounding the Throne in Heavens courts are a blueprint for Gods redemptive plan on earth. The earthly is but a mere shadow, or representation of the heavenly reality, or truth. As the four surround the Throne of Glory in Heaven, so too does the likeness of the four cherub surround Gods earthly Throne, the Tabernacle of Gods presence, which abides above the Ark of the Covenant. This is parallel to Gods Throne on earth. Furthermore, the four gospels bear out these four cherubim characteristics, as it were, all four gospels concerning themselves with the telling of the story of Christ, the King... Just as the four in Heaven surround themselves around Christ the King..
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 20:31:49 +0000

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