Since President Obama has had nothing to say about the recent - TopicsExpress


Since President Obama has had nothing to say about the recent racial slur from Rangel, nor anything to say about the Black Professor who is teaching that White Americans God is a Racist God…I feel I would be remiss not to take advantage of Obama’s *hypocritical silence to address true race relations in America. *hypocritical since Obama addressed the United Nations declaring that he was against any speech that insults or offends…referring to the speech of the Egyptian Christian who posted a YouTube video responsible for Benghazi and the violence and chaos throughout the Mideast…Obama stands against the free speech of Americans who insult Islam…but cares nothing about Islamic insults against us, nor Black Supremist=racist who see nothing wrong insulting us and using offensive racial slurs. WARNING: This Free Speech may be offensive to some or all and may insult those who have no problem insulting us (and without consequences) therefore if it offends you or insults your race or religion…GET OVER YOURSELVES…or as Hillary said…What difference at this point does it make? My Free Speech is mine, it belongs to me, however the Words that I speak, that some desire to ban are not words that offend, but more importantly words that are Truth, words that have power to transform people…words that are Light….the Truth that sets men free is the Free Speech that these lawless ones who love the lie desire to ban…these words that are not my own, but the words of our God, and the words of the law, the words of the Constitution that bear witness to these God given rights and freedom, as well as our right to defend these words, as well as to ‘throw off any government that tries to abolish this Word. And to insure that there is no confusion…I’m not ignorant enough to be a racist, or to judge somebody because of their gender or the color of the skin that they’re in…and those who have the love of Christ within them, though strangers, are my ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’…so let’s not get it twisted…there’s already enough of that.. Being a lawful ‘Citizen’ of the United States of America, and ‘Brown bagging’ it most of my life of servitude…I have certain unalienable rights and freedoms properly listed in the Constitution and therefore my words are not my own…not the words of a ‘White Cracker’ as Rep. Rangel would say, but the words of law, ordained by God as established by America’s Judeo-Christian system of Justice…ordained by God, our God Yah…not Allah…Allah-Islam’s god is as gum on the bottom of the shoe of our Lord Yahshua…for there is only one God…and it is not Islam’s Allah but the Hebrews ‘Yah’ and the words that our enemies are trying to outlaw are these words of Yah…AKA the ‘Word’ Islam wants to outlaw our faith in Christ and ban our free speech, and establish Islamic law in America…even though Islamic law calls our faith in Christ a ‘Monstrous Thing’ and an ‘unforgivable sin’ a Capital offense punishable by death, and they are currently working towards this goal by infringing upon our God given Free Speech one word at a time…allowing one race to have more free speech than another…as if superior…by claiming one race can say a word, but another race cannot say the same word…or try to make Blacks free speech superior to the free speech of Whites? We see today how ‘words’ are being targeted for elimination, and laws made that give preference to one race, and discrimination, targeting, profiling, and persecuting to the other race or religion, claiming that this racist discrimination is justified in order to have ‘peace’ by ‘equality’. Since discrimination is wrong…plain and simple, then we cannot support nor allow it, but stand up against it…just because they change the name of it from racial discrimination to Affirmative Action does not justify the offense nor make it right. Everybody can agree that racial discrimination is wrong…right? Then why is it acceptable for government to do just that, but acceptable if done by a Black President? This isn’t about Black or White…this is about Wrong or Right…you can’t be unjust in order to preserve Justice. You can’t break the law in order to better the law…and those who have no problem in insulting our faith in Christ, who believe that we are worthy of death for our free speech and saying that ‘God beget a Son’ are not worthy of our considerations not to offend…to the contrary, we must be offensive, and we must insult, not because we are mean spirited, but rather our ‘testimony of Christ, as well as ‘keeping the laws of God’ are the great offense to our adversaries, and what they desire to eradicate…therefore, we should not consider the hurt ‘feelings’ of our adversaries, but boldly speak the word that needs to be heard, regardless of offense…but more directly…with the intent to offend those who would dare to offend us, and say such offensive things about our faith and our God…to warn those who would make the fatal mistake of trying to ‘take’ our God given rights… we have to stop being played and divided by these Islamist Supremist, and this President, this ‘Black Supremist’ AKA ‘Nigger’ in the White House…so let my Nigga’s know... Homie don’t play that.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 14:28:44 +0000

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