Since September 11th is my birthday its impossible for me to - TopicsExpress


Since September 11th is my birthday its impossible for me to forget what happened on that day. I was in my back yard cutting the grass and my son Ryan, who had come up for my birthday from Nags Head came outside to tell me a plane had hit one of the world trade center buildings. I, like many who had not seen the video yet, thought it might be a commuter plane giving tourists a birds eye view of the city. Approximately ten minutes later he came out and yelled to me that another had hit the second tower and in his words, it was huge. Of course at that point everyone knew it was no accident. It was so surreal. A beautiful bluebird colored sky that day had turned into a nightmare. We all know the details and can re-run that day in our minds eye with as much clarity, its if it had happened yesterday. It was gut wrenching, horrific and just seemed like a scene out of a horror movie. Five days later on September 16th, my 11 year old niece, Kayla and her friend Holly were rollerblading in Blackwater, a rural section of Va Beach. It was dusk and the road has many curves and the speed limit fluctuates from 25 mph to 55 mph. A gentleman was navigating around a curve and as he was about to complete the arc the sun blinded him. He never saw the two girls and without going into details, I will just say they never had a chance. Neither one survived. About two weeks went by and I was driving my car listening to the radio dialed into a talk show on my way to work. Every station was still talking about the WTC attack when all of a sudden they started playing Battle Hymn of the Republic. After all that had happened within those two weeks, I just lost it. I had to pull over I was sobbing so bad. I had kept everything bottled up and I just could not hold it in anymore. So, I will ask all my friends to remember all that fell on September 11th, 2001. I will also ask you to remember those two little girls, Kayla and Holly, who were just being kids trying to have some fun. Thank you Shaun Stauffer for taking the time to send me the heartbreaking story of Jack Grancolas and his wifes Laurens story. It has heartwarming overtones of Laurens love for her husband. Many others on those flights as we found out later, called their loved ones and did get through. Although they were very hard for us to listen to as they shared them, it allowed some insight of the unconditional love that flows from the courageous people that knew they would never see their families again. We will never forget the actions of all those involved on that day. NEVER !!! Please remember all of them and the two girls I mentioned above. Their families will be forever grateful. It will let them know that with all that happened, those young girls, have not been forgotten. Peace be with You
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 02:57:04 +0000

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