Since Sunday, when the New York Times published a cover story - TopicsExpress


Since Sunday, when the New York Times published a cover story about Bill de Blasio’s 1988 trip to Nicaragua to help distribute food and medicine, and noted his admiration for the Sandinistas, the rightwing press has been salivating: In the Democratic candidate for New York City mayor they think they finally have the “socialist” that they could only pretend Obama was. And there’s a bonus: They can also get Bill de Blasio to play the Bill Ayers role. As a New York Post headline put it, “Obama to meet Sandinista-supporting de Blasio.” Although the Times piece dug up details on de Blasio’s youthful non-indiscretions, none of it is truly “news” (as the Times Michael Powell later noted); nor was it hidden (de Blasio spoke publicly about his time in Nicaraguan just last December). But the Post is excitedly fishing with every bit of red-bait they can muster, no matter how much it may embarrass them. The virulently anti-union tabloid has even had to make like they support unions. In “de Blasio’s beloved Nicaragua,” the Post writes (going on to quote the human-rights watchdog group Freedom House), “Employees have reportedly been dismissed for union activities, and citizens have no effective recourse when labor laws are violated by those in power.” Those may sound like the tactics of the right’s beloved governors Scott Walker (Wisconsin) and John Kasich (Ohio), but the chance to spark suspicion trumps principle every time. - See more at: thenation/blog/176395/bill-de-blasio-hurls-ny-post-time-warp#sthash.g9r42OGs.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 23:03:04 +0000

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