Since a died in the wool yellow dog progressive friend from high - TopicsExpress


Since a died in the wool yellow dog progressive friend from high school decided that a Presidents disrespectful saluting practices are not a big deal. Let me explain why a salute IS a big deal, since the majority of this nation never elect to serve any interests but their own. A salute is historical. It is one of the last vestiges of the chivalric code to be found in western militaries. tI was born of the knights of old raising their empty sword hand in a show of trust and honor to demonstrate they were not readily armed and that passing knights would be able to pass uncontested. In the centuries that passed, the salute has evolved into a show of respect that is recognized and used for diplomacy and military customs. We salute the flag of our nation, our commissioned officers who are superior in rank, our fallen, our stand-out few who earn the Medal of Honor, and anybody we truly respect. Certainly, some in the service disrespect the tradition of the salute, but the difference between these and civilians who disdain saluting is that the disrespectful service member is in the process of serving a cause greater than they, while the disdainful civilian mocker serves only themselves under the blanket of liberty they have no responsibility for maintaining. We salute our superiors, not because of the man or woman, but in acknowledgement of the burden of the rank and the responsibility of the one bearing it. We salute our Commander in Chief in an apolitical show of respect for the office that we are subordinate to, in the actual execution of our duties to protect and defend our Constitution and nation. When a Commander in Chief, no matter the party affiliation, chooses to make a mockery of a salute then we rest in the knowledge that it is more of a character statement than anything else they could say or do. Most importantly, when one of our brothers falls, we salute them posthumously to honor the service and sacrifice of a fellow brother at arms. It is the simplest, most elegant, and emotive manner we can render our respect. So is a salute a big deal? You are damn right it is. And like any President who fails to recognize that, any civilian who does likewise is likely as full of ignorance, selfishness, and disdain. Few things in life are a truly big deal Saluting is one of them however.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:04:15 +0000

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