Since being a survivor of two heart attacks; in an attempt to - TopicsExpress


Since being a survivor of two heart attacks; in an attempt to prevent the third, I try to do what my heart doctor, God and some of what my wife says to avoid what could be a third or final event in my story. Stay with me as I tell a true story of a friday check up. October 25, 2013 It was just going to be a simple Friday morning procedure to check the condition of a stent placed into one of my main arteries 10 years ago. My heart doctor had wanted to check this in 2009 because he was concerned it might be getting plugged. He was concerned mainly because I didnt take cholesterol meds. At that time, he had given me a stress test and insisted I was having a heart attack on the tread mill. He scheduled a heart cathe at that time. As my faith in God would have it, my wife and I were going to ask the elders of the church to pray for that procedure when God called me out that Sunday morning to be healed of the blockages my doctor said were in my arteries. That is another testimony in itself but I want to note that it happened on August 17, 2009 - A little over 4 years ago. I accepted Gods healing that morning, cancelled the heart cathe and never looked back. Anyway, getting back to this Fridays procedure, the Mrs and I havent really considered not to do this this time as I have had some questionable instances this past year. But with Mom being sick, I found myself continually asking God if He would help me hold out until a better time. He kept answering the prayer but reminding me also. During our fall check up we scheduled the event and the doc was happy. We pulled up, parked the car and said our prayer before going in. All was going extremely well as we checked in, accepted the billing that was to be (that was the hard part but what is the price you place on life at 54) and waited for the call. Once back in the staging room, I think the nurses really didnt understand the calmness in us but the blood pressures and vitals told the story. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. God came with us and we were ready. I had told my doctor 4 years ago about that healing and I wasnt worried about that stent. But I had not considered anything else! So as the procedure was underway and I considered all was going well, the doc steps over to where I could see him and says, Im going to recommend open heart surgery. Your stent is only 70% blocked but you have a 95% block in the other major artery with an aneurism. I didnt say anything but just turned my head away from him and started praying. The doctor left and went to talk to the family. He knew open heart surgery was not ever an option I wanted to consider. When he returned he said he was, going to try and stent it and the aneurism should go away. I didnt know it at the time because I had not seen the pictures yet but this thing he was going to do would require the skills of the best surgeon in the world along with the careful help from our God above!! I had always known I had these anyway so worry was not on my mind!! So here I lay awaiting my fate, not knowing what was to happen but still holding on to the knowledge that God was in control and nothing would happen to me unless He allowed it and that I would accept. Things got a little uncomfortable about this time as I felt something happening within my chest. It was like something was crawling around. I had not felt this the other two times before and was trying to grin and bear it. Praying brought comfort once again and the endurance I needed. Of course one of the nurses brought me a cold rag and put it on my forehead. Man did that do the trick! Once I noticed a sigh of relief from the nurses and my doctor, they couldnt hardly wait to show me the pictures of what just happened. I could tell from the look on their faces, I felt like a miracle just happened. While remembering the pictures, I keep considering how it was even possible how they did it but really I do know!! But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. There is this connection between man and God that makes things happen. You have to put your faith in the God above before you can have faith in the man below. My Heart Doctor is the best in His work in my book along with the crew at Baptist Health this Friday morning and I give Our God the Glory of this day and pray many thanks for these special beings and angels in my life and a gift of another day.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 12:00:27 +0000

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