Since every poll available (even the liberal ones) shows Americans - TopicsExpress


Since every poll available (even the liberal ones) shows Americans overwhelmingly dont want Obamacare, the Republican leadership is doing exactly what they are suppose to "The Will of the People" Obama and Democrats dont care about you or me or the Constitution, Obama wants you to hurt from the government shutdown its the basis for their whole existence "government" if you dont suffer from this shutdown you might just start to think hey that wasnt so bad we dont need all this government after all, then Democrats are out of ideas and lose control. Thats why Obama shutdown the White House tours (even though it was run by volunteers) because of sequestration which they claim was a cut, when in actuality it was a 6 percent increase instead of 10 percent, so they still had more money to spend it just wasnt as much as they wanted. So now with this current shutdown Obama is out making sure you notice first by closing the WW2 memorial which was privately built and required no funds to keep it open, he actually has to pay money to barricade it station armed guards, then he shutdown all the government web sites even though there is no extra or new cost for those to stay up also, now hes telling border patrol agents to stand down and not do their jobs. Think about that for a minute our President is running around deliberately trying to hurt the American people because of his ego about a healthcare bill people dont want, how pathetic is that, have you ever seen a republican (not that they are perfect by any means) do anything like that?
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 05:17:30 +0000

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