Since government is the problem, Republicans tell us, just shut it - TopicsExpress


Since government is the problem, Republicans tell us, just shut it down. The problem goes away. What appears is our natural identity: unequal distribution of income, more supply than can be demanded, unemployment, and inflation. More supply is created than can be demanded because the income to demand it is too consolidated. The yield is unemployment and a highly competitive, disinflationary labor market, like we have now. While creating unemployment is deflationary, demand destruction adds supply. A surplus is created because it cannot be demanded despite the need. (Notice how disinflation, which is a free-market attribute, works very effectively. Labor has been deconsolidated and the cost disinflated. The same attribution can be applied to yield falling prices without deflation. The more deconsolidated the economy is the more productive we are. There is more employment, more income to demand the supply without debt, less need for government spending, less need for taxes, less inflation and a whole lot more freedom to self-determine.) A leading attribute of deflation is falling prices. Prices fall due to the added supply; what classical economists refer to as overproduction (a detriment) and Republicans refer to as supply-side economics (a benefit). Of course, the big bugaboo of capitalism has been turned into a social benefit. Adding to the supply side (demand destruction) cures shortages, and the best way to ensure supply is being added is higher prices (supported by welfare spending, of course, which Republicans resist). The higher the price for something, the more supply added. Although deflation is the result of unemployment (overproduction), inflation occurs, nevertheless, because everything tends to be priced for the income available to pay it. There is no reason to price goods and services for people that cant buy at any price due to inadequate income. What supply-side economics does, then, is it creates unemployment and adds supply by destroying demand. For the vast majority there is nothing but detriment, especially in the long run, occurring in late order so maybe nobody will notice what causes it. Even if we do notice it, and make the connection (rather than referring to our problems as being disconnected), Objectivists are sure to argue it is our objective reality because the problem (the detriment and the accumulative benefit that derives from it) is recurrent. It just happens, naturally, over and over again. Penalizing the beneficiaries is irrational--the product of delusional moral sentiments, according to Objectivist philosophy--because the liability is naturally limited. The reward (the benefit) always, over and over again, derives from the risk (the detriment) no matter how we may attribute the values. Reality is, ultimately, independently objective, disconnected from whatever moral sentiments We The People come up with to expropriate the wealth of others with the force and legitimacy of government authority. The reason everything reactionaries touch turns to detriment is because it consolidates income, which is the capacity to self-determine, on demand, in the marketplace. All that detriment, which yields the benefit of consolidated income, is a function of attribution error, managed in derivatives markets, known as dark markets. (Remember that dark markets yielded the Great Recession. These market reforms are a product of Objectivists occupying the Clinton administration and were legislated by a Democratically controlled congress elected after Republicans shut the government down.) According to Republicans, there is not enough income to demand the supply because government provides income without having to work for it. The added demand, along with monetizing the debt to pay for it, causes inflation, and because prices rise beyond the capacity to demand it, there is unemployment. Of course, this is backwards. It is reverse causation, but according to Republicans it is objective reality. Operating with the Republican notion of objective reality, error accumulates into a political, gamma-risk dimension. Power becomes so consolidated that, despite the form of government, the risk goes gamma. Like Hobbes observed, if the king is so foolish to believe he is beyond accountability, the king is not prepared for all the possible futures. The inequality is a fundamental error of attribution that will naturally correct to yield objective reality. Sovereignty is an imperative value subject to self-determination, or what Kant later described as a moral imperative, otherwise known as The Golden Rule. Using the Golden Rule, it is possible to be creatively constructive, existing without error of attribution.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:36:16 +0000

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