Since it was Lauren Bulter who tagged me, I cannot refuse, sorry - TopicsExpress


Since it was Lauren Bulter who tagged me, I cannot refuse, sorry its so late. Here are 20 things that I think people dont really know about me(I think im pretty open so some of these people probably know): 1. I really like cheesy pasta. 2. I cant really write, like words, not good with. Same with talking and explaining things. Cant. 3. Im impatient with teaching people things(sorry!) 4. I have social anxiety issues with talking in groups. Trying to work on that. 5. I have a tendency to be late, sorry, working on that too. 6. I really like puzzles, riddles and problem solving thingies. 7. I love crisps :D 8. Making cosplays is way too stressful and I dont really like sewing but the actual wearing the cosplay part is nice. 9. Im a feminist(I think most people know that though >:) ) 10. If a tv show has homo characters in it im more likely to be interested. 11. I had a traumatic experience when I was younger and am now scared of bugs(mainly creepy crawlies) and will look around a room when I enter it to see if there is anything there(especially if ive seen something there before). 12. wow alot of these are negative things, em, my favourite films are The Incredibles, Blades of Glory, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. 13. I have a scar underneath my lip from when I was tumbling over a bar(how do you even describe it) and I didnt go over, my face just went into it and my teeth went through my lip. 14. My brother put me in the tumble dryer when i was younger. I still love him though. 15. I have a short attention span and can get bored of things easily and find it hard to focus(which is fun for my buddies at uni working on my project SORRYGUYS) 16. eeeemm, I like to make triangles out of crisps packets 17. I dont like people taking my food. Ask, dont be a rude, even then it will probably still be no unless Im feeling nice. 18. I want to table in Artist Alleys at american cons, but first, get money and improve.(want to buy loads of artists priiiints) 19. I really like Pepsi Max and Monster. Food and drink is the way to my heart. 20. My favourite song of all time is Best of You by Foo Fighters. Currently its between Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons and Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. PHEW. I now nominate/tag Emma Paterson, Erin Mackenzie, Niall Calder, Elliot Balson, Colin Dick, Mike Maynard, Lynsey Wood, Kris Renji Szczepan, Ashleigh Susan Kirk, Catherine Hopton and Michael Payne. Im tagging alot of you in hope that maybe someone will do it!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 19:35:00 +0000

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