Since last night when the news broke that it has pleased His - TopicsExpress


Since last night when the news broke that it has pleased His Excellency the State President Prof Arthur Peter Mutharika to appoint me as Board member for the Malawi Postal Corporation I have been getting congratulatory and good will messages from you people. My phone has turned into a “switchboard” , text msgs keep coming and all the messages you have been decorating on my facebook wall and my inbox. Am loving your messages like Greyson wakhonza mayeso aku MPC ena akuti achita bwino kukuganizilani, u deserved it ena nkumalemba kuti APM rewards cadets bla bla bla etc. All am doing ndikamawelenga ma msg anuwo is to smile knowing that all of you are people that are happy for me and you wish me well despite the difference in our political affiliations. I am a man short of words but all i can say is THANK YOU GOOD PEOPLE. To be honest with you, I never expected to be trusted with such a responsibility of running the show alongside some well known and respected professionals at MPC. It doesn’t get better than this knowing that this is where my father spent most of his years working up until when he retired in the early 2000s, this time around his son will be serving at the same corporation but wearing a different robe. Am so excited because my career has taken a breadth that’s giving me courage and confidence as I move forward facing the future. Now it’s going to be family, school, MLW and MPC on my plate. Am so grateful to God for he is the one who has taken the wand that is shaping up my career, my CV and my life. To me this is a clear demonstration of how our president is ready to advance the youth agenda throughout his term. The list is full of deserving young people whom I know are capable of turning things around in these parastatals. Am seeing plenty of experience that is well blended with new kids on the block that are being elevated within the ranks and files to take up such a challenge. This is the era for the youths to shine and thanks to our president for giving us the mile to try our luck. This is the beginning of good things to come.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 11:56:54 +0000

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