Since many of my fellow facebookers seem to be taking the - TopicsExpress


Since many of my fellow facebookers seem to be taking the challenge. I was given the number 10 to reveal things you may not know about me, which is hard, because if you know me, you know my life is an open book, but here goes: 1) I was horribly bullied in grade school. It has shaped who I am today, and I wish schools would truly do something about it. 2) I had two simple goals in my life-to be a housewife and mother. The real life dealt to me happened along the way. So much for goals. 3) If I had to be a career woman, my best relationship probably ever was with my business partner Heather Olive. We never had a fight and we loved and respected and cared for one another, and we rocked the performing arts studio world at our peak. Go Stagestruck! 4)There is a side to me that only one other person in this word knows - and this person is the only one who knows, and probably WILL be the only other person who knows that Christy. 5) I would have sold my soul to be an Olympic Athlete - in any sport. 6) I crushed my left foot when I was three. 7) Because of scheduling errors when I worked for Disney, The Muppets Jim Henson and I were assigned to the same studio office for a week. We had several nice conversations. I noticed he coughed a lot and one week later, he was dead. That same week, I also had encounters with Lily Tomlin and Arnold Palmer. 8) My great uncles, Elmer and Cortez Brown published one of the first newspapers in Oklahoma The Oklahoma City Times Journal. It started in 1889. A young Gaylord applied for a job as a reporter, and when they turned him down calling him awhippersnapper, he threatened that he would put them out of business. One year later, they indeed were put out of business by The Daily Oklahoman. 9) Another uncle was the Adjutant General of the Oklahoma National Guard and put an end to the Tulsa race riots in the 20s. and finally, 10) My grandfather used to carry groceries home for the lady that would become The Black Dahlia. The night she was murdered, she had asked him to carry her groceries home and he refused, because, in his words, he had a long day. He always carried the guilt that perhaps he might have made a difference in her death.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:15:39 +0000

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