Since moving to Texas, Ive said that I missed the small town - TopicsExpress


Since moving to Texas, Ive said that I missed the small town feeling that I grew up in. Fort Hood is home to some 40,000 soldiers and their families...nothing small town about that. But after the tragic events of today, Ive seen such an outpouring of community from people here! People opening up their homes to those stuck on Post, teachers caring for students who were JUST released to go home, community shelters opening up for families who couldnt get on Post to their homes and people posting on Facebook, asking where people were stuck in traffic, ready to bring food and drink to anyone who needed it. Some days I feel like humanity is beyond help, and shootings like today definitely fuel that thought, but seeing people come together to do good, to help those in need, give me hope for our race. The victims and their families are in my prayers tonight. Im feeling very blessed knowing my friends in the area are safe, and my children are sleeping soundly in their beds. Thank you all for your concern, it is very touching. Im so thankful.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 02:37:43 +0000

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