Since my mother has already said her peace, figured I would to! It - TopicsExpress


Since my mother has already said her peace, figured I would to! It is soooo funny to me that people really think I dont raise my kids! Specifically kayson. Let me explain something to a lot of people, I am a SINGLE mother of TWO very young little boys. I have them BOTH every single day threw out the day like ANY mother should. My mom does stay with me EVERY night in the NEXT ROOM because both of them still wake up in the night and she offers to help so its not gotta be any harder than it already is! ALL day long I sit at my damn house with my kids, changing diapers, giving bottles, soothing tummy aches, fixing breakfast lunch & dinner, attempting to keep my house from looking like hurricane Katrina went threw it, giving naps, kissing boo boos, rocking, playing, laughing, sometimes crying, this is not complaining this is a statement! This is what I do because I LOVE my kids! I have called soooo many mothers out for not being with their kids or raising them! IF I ever hear someone say I traded kayson in for Gentry I will knock your teeth down your throat! Please understand that. I KNOW I am a damn good mom! I do everything in my power to give my boys what they need and want and then some! Now, please if you have an issue with my parenting first, KISS MY ASS, secondly LOOK at my kids! They are happy, chunky, and loving because bygod that is how I raise them! Now, Im gonna go to bed tightly snuggled up to MY BOYS! 👌😘✌ Sincerely, A damn good single mom that dont give a shit what you have to say unless your in my shoes, which you arent cause I rarely wear any! 😉 seriously though? Kiss my ass. 💋
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 07:04:02 +0000

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