Since my unusual dream is still with me, two hours later, Ill post - TopicsExpress


Since my unusual dream is still with me, two hours later, Ill post it maybe those of you who do dream interpretation can let me know what it means. It is Winter time myself, Dad, our neighbor Ruth Beals, her blond grand daughter about 4, another woman & her dark haired 4 year old grand daughter, their cassette recorders, lots of cassettes, the Country Music show, an indoor pool in the auditorium where the show is being held, my cousin Nancy McGee, her Dad Ernie, an unknown to me youngish, 30 to 35 male country singer, Kenny Rogers, & 4 strangers. In the auditorium we are waiting by the pool with the little girls who are wading & carrying their recorders taking the cassettes out & putting them back in & complaining about the long wait till they get to take their recorders onstage & play them for the audience. Seems it was a show & a audience participation show as well. Ruth takes the recorders hands me the cassettes to keep dry. Im then in the balcony talking to Kenny Rogers about his & the unknown singers performance & how much I liked both their songs. Im alone. The young man tells me he isnt feeling well his back hurts. I look in my purse for a Skalactin, pain reliever, cant find any so tell him to come with me & suddenly we are sitting in a stairway of a rooming house. The landlady carries a basket of clothes down the stairs & reminds him no visitors allowed he assures her Im helping him with medicine for his aching back, she snorts & says oh yeah your back like she doesnt believe him & walks on down the stairs. I hand him the large, pink pill. We get up the next part Ive lost something about how old my sister is I say 58 he doesnt believe me. I tell him Im 60 so she has to be 58. He is surprised he says I dont look my age. I think to myself gets lonely on the road & walk to an old 1950s car in the falling snow with him walking beside me. He wants me not to drive my family home but stay awhile & visit with him but I know I have to leave. I cant get into the front seat until Dad & the two people I dont know sitting beside him all scoot over. I have trouble shutting the car door Dad says hes going to fix that. Im really aware Dad is wearing blue jeans with the rolled up cuffs. Then I wake up. My Father, while I was alive, never owned a pair of cuffed jeans. It was a dream in color, we never owned junky cars like the broken down one in my dream, Ive never met Kenny Rogers nor felt the need to attend a Country Music show he was a part of, I had never met the little girls nor any of the strangers in my dreams. All I can get is important points must be:Winter, broken down old car, recorders, water, feeling unsafe maybe at the suggestion I stay & visit with the young man, pills, addiction, old cuffed blue jeans, Dad. My Dad & us did enjoy country music in particular Kenny Rogers. Feel free to interrupt if you can the dreams Im having. They are all in color & filled with vasts quantities of symbolism however if my subconscious is telling me something it has to speak plainer then this as Im not getting the message!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 08:51:32 +0000

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