Since taste is a concrete, innate attribute—after all, people - TopicsExpress


Since taste is a concrete, innate attribute—after all, people know what foods they like and do not like—the researchers hypothesized that it becomes factored into the food decision-making process first. A foods affect on health, on the other hand, is a more abstract attribute—one that you often need to learn about or do research on. In fact, there are such widely varying opinions about the healthfulness of nutrients like fats, calories, and carbs that you may not even be able to find a definitive answer. Therefore, the researchers assumed, the healthiness of a food likely is not factored into a persons food choice until after taste is. And for those individuals who exercised less self-control, they hypothesized, health would factor into the choice even later.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:25:24 +0000

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