Since the Democrats couldn’t erase the Republican’s civil - TopicsExpress


Since the Democrats couldn’t erase the Republican’s civil rights history, they simply lied to black people by saying the parties switched. According to some, the Klan started writing civil rights bills, only to be opposed by the abolitionists. It’s historical fallacy to believe that the parties switched. It was blacks that switched parties; and many of us have been on the government dole ever since. The Republican position have always been to promote family strength and jobs. The real threat to the black family is government programs. We believe in strict welfare laws that would give people an incentive to enter the job market. We believe in school choice that would give the parents the option of sending their children to the school of their choice using their own tax dollars. We believe in being tough on crime to give criminals an incentive to avoid misconduct. Black Republicans of the time were concerned that some would aggravate racial tensions. They were right! The Honorable Hiram Rhodes (Republican), the first black American to serve in the U.S. Congress (1870 – 1871), stated on the issue of race: “Let lawmakers cease to make the difference, let school trustees and school boards cease to make the difference, and the people will soon forget.” Thus, as long as we have people continue to play the race card, we will continue to have race issues.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 19:40:54 +0000

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