Since the Gaza ceasefire, Hamas has not fired a single rocket. - TopicsExpress


Since the Gaza ceasefire, Hamas has not fired a single rocket. What has Israel done? On 26 August a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was agreed, bringing a fragile end to a war that killed 2150 Palestinians (mostly civilians) and 73 Israelis (mostly soldiers). Since then Hamas has not fired a single rocket, attacked an Israeli target, or done anything to break the terms of the ceasefire. Israel has done the following: Annexed another 1000 acres of West Bank land: Palestinian owners of the land were given 45 days to submit formal objections to the announcement in Israeli courts, otherwise all confiscated lands would automatically become Israeli government property. Seized $56 million of PA tax revenue Not lifted the illegal blockade (as required by the ceasefire): There have been no changes to restrictions on Gaza’s crossings since a ceasefire agreement went into effect at the end of August Broken the ceasefire by firing at fishermen: Israeli gunboats “have been firing at fishermen every day since the ceasefire agreement was signed.” Detained six fishermen Killed a 22-year-old, Issa al Qatari, a week before his wedding Killed 16-year-old Mohammed Sinokrot with a rubber bullet to the head Tortured a prisoner to the point of death: The head of the PA’s Detainees’ Committee, Issa Qaraqe’, has declared that 37 year old prisoner Raed Abdul-Salaam al-Ja’bari died as a result of severe and repeated torture by Israeli interrogators. Refused 13 members of the European Parliament entry into Gaza Detained at least 127 people across the West Bank, including a seven-year-old boy in Hebron and two children, aged seven and eight, taken from the courtyard of their house in Silwad – and tear-gassed their mother Continued to hold 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in prison Continued to hold 500 prisoners in administrative detention without charge or trial Destroyed Bedouin homes in Khan al Ahmar, near Jerusalem, leaving 14 people homeless, and unveiled a plan to forcibly move thousands of Bedouin away from Jerusalem into two purpose-built townships Destroyed a dairy factory in Hebron whose profits supported an orphanage Destroyed a family home in Silwan, making five children homeless Destroyed a house in Jerusalem where aid supplies en route to Gaza were being stored Destroyed a well near Hebron Set fire to an olive grove near Hebron Raided a health centre and a nursery school in Nablus, causing extensive damage Destroyed a swathe of farmland in Rafah by driving tanks over it Ordered the dismantling of a small monument in Jerusalem to Mohamed Abu Khdeir, murdered in July by an Israeli lynch mob Continued building a vast tunnel network under Jerusalem Stormed the al Aqsa mosque compound with a group of far right settlers Assisted hundreds of settlers in storming Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus Prevented students from entering al Quds University, firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at those who tried to go in Earned unknown millions on reconstruction materials for Gaza, where 100,000 people need their destroyed homes rebuilt. The total bill is estimated at $7.8 billion
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 21:32:04 +0000

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