Since the Paris incidents I have noticed a couple of - TopicsExpress


Since the Paris incidents I have noticed a couple of things... Firstly C4 who have been advertising their own station with the slogan Born to be risky and lets face it they have on occasions lived up to that line, have in fact appeared to have dropped that advert and at the same time they also appear to not be prepared to show the front cover of the latest Charlie Hebdo magazine with a cartoon of the Prophet on it... So the slogan should be Born to be risky, but not that risky Secondly the BBC, who again refure to show the images, appear to be allowing the politicians to dictate the mood and as soon as anyone mentions the link to the rise of anti-semitism with the rise of radical muslims then they get shut off and ignored and almost ridiculed.. Conclusion appears to be the politicians have either not learnt from their mistakes or they truly believe that they are the only ones with an opinion so what the people think is irrelevant... Sad and dangerous times...
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:18:16 +0000

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