Since the day of the Bite of 87, Part 6- Characters: Sara (big - TopicsExpress


Since the day of the Bite of 87, Part 6- Characters: Sara (big sister) Mike (Sara runs to the office before Mike got to sit down) Sara: Mike! Mike: S-Sara! I told you to leave me a- Sara: Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to you! Mike: What? You mean you know nothing of your words? Sara: Tell me then! Tell me why you are shutting me out, like how they do Foxy! Mike: What? Sara: Answer me! Mike: Fine! Its because of the things you said... Sara: What things did I say? Mike: Things like what someone would say if they want one dead or gone... Sara: I would never say that! Mike: Well you did! Sara: Shut it! I gave you a chance! With me, they might leave you alone! But now... I see you dont deserve to live... Mike: Sara, w-what do you mean? (Saras eyes changed colors again as she growl with anger and rage and the feeling of hate flooding her) Sara: Now you can -run forever- go and stay or -die here- stay and feel the fear of your life grow as my anger haunts you! Mike: Sara stop it! Please, I didnt know that you had no control! Sara: Its too late for a sorry now, Mike! I though we could be friends or even something more... But now I see that you are now my worst enemy! Mike: Sara... I had no idea... (Sara moves closer to Mike to make a killing move. She raises her hand and grabbed his throat. Her anger was to strong for Mike to break himself free, but before Sara could do more, Mike grabbed her shoulders and pulled her close, and kissed her lips. Sara tried to push him away, but her head felt light, an her legs felt weak. She let go of Mikes throat, and leaned on the wall) Sara: Why did you do that? (Sara asked as her eyes changed back, and she calms down a bit) Mike: Its the best I could think of... I though you would like it... Sara: You though I would... Like it... (Mike rubbed his neck and blushed. Sara stand up straight looking at Mike shocked) Mike: Well? Did you? Sara: W-what? Mike: Did you like it? (Sara stared at him to shocked to answer. Mike looked her in the eyes and moved closer) To continue.....
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:30:54 +0000

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