Since the topic is currently about genocide and religious wars and - TopicsExpress


Since the topic is currently about genocide and religious wars and massacre, the timing is right to humbly request people of all faiths to read about the origin of the word hindu kush or killer of Hindus in Afghanistan. Also, read about the barbaric invasion of India by the Mughals. The BIGGEST GENOCIDE NEVER RECORDED, which figures suggest are approximately 50 MILLION HINDUS over a span of 1000 years. Unfortunately there was no Facebook back then to promore awareness. Its genocide nevertheless and it pains to see nobody noticed how corpes were piled up or burnt, temples destroyed, bodies chopped off back in India. I pray for indians who died at the hands of merciless invaders who killed in the name of religion. Rest in peace brothers. Whilst the locals practiced non-violence ahimsa, they were laughed at and their religion belittled, it was the first example never seen of ethnic cleansing. Genocide is not exclusive to 1 faith. All faiths have the same status. People of all faith believe that they are the righteous and they will ascend to heaven etc. Respect and tolerance please. Remember the massacre of the Hindus in India, remember the massacre of Jews in world war 2, remember the massacre of Bosnian Muslim in Yugoslavia, remember the genocides of tribes in Africa, remember the massacre of Palestinians. To the real God who created man, and not the vice versa God, help.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 10:47:37 +0000

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