Since the midterm elections I have seen an increase of attacks on - TopicsExpress


Since the midterm elections I have seen an increase of attacks on the President of the United States not so much on the international scale but on the domestic home front. Racially insensitive remarks,calls for impeachment,calls for his arrest for treason and taking him to court on various accusations.. This is just unacceptable and just plain wrong..To hate a man for the color of his skin and because you believe that a black man should not be president is down right racist..I defended Bush when people turned against him it was disrespectiful and wrong..Now I find myself having to defend a president whos only crime is that he was born black and has a name from the middle east. This type of conduct would not be going on had Romney been president he would have just got this country in a deeper war and then would send the largest contingent of men of color into the battle zone..I being a veteran see this plain as day.Why should a person of color go and fight for a country that calls it president the N-word,or mock slavery,or incourage atea party type groups to attack and criticize and support or aid to people of color or the poor. This same coutry views his status as second class at best.. mY opinion and suggestion is as follows, with such large portion of the fighting army being of color things need to get better for the poor and people of color..Not just in jobs and aid but in treatment and respect..I am proposing that if the country does not change it course that all men and women of color boycott joining the service an that all current servicemeen and women of color be more vocal and supportive of the current plight of blacks and other people of color..This countrys army can not survive without the supprt and enlistment of soldiers of color.Instead of rioting and burning down buildings let all join in and boycott the armed services and refuse to go to fight the war that we as a people did not start..This country will hurt without our young men and women..One mans opinion.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:05:54 +0000

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