Since the military defeat of the rebels M 23, in November 2013 and - TopicsExpress


Since the military defeat of the rebels M 23, in November 2013 and the very recent, their Ugandan counterparts ADF-Nalu, our compatriots in eastern countries should in principle start to breathe the fresh air peace. But the road leading to the total and lasting peace in this part of the Republic, still seems long. While the FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo) and UN forces prepare to attack the FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda), in accordance with the regulations of the Framework Agreement Addis Ababa and the 2098 Resolution of the Security Council of the UN, Civil Society of North Kivu reported the birth of a new rebellion in this part of the country. This would be an emblem for the least surprising: Force for the Protection of the Hutu People (FPPH). Since when Congolese Hutus they feel unsafe in a country where hundreds of FDLR elements, with whom they share the same ethnic stock swarm? Heres the conundrum that should be answered with accuracy, may not identify the real contours of the rebel movement. In all cases, the town of Lubero was chosen as the basis for its future operational staff. There would be headed by a Colonel Kasongo, described as a former RCD (Congolese Rally for Democracy), the PPD and the CNDP (National Congress for the Defence of the People) and a recipient of the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration. We lend to FPPH intend to rely on the FDLR and Mai-Mai Nyatura with ulterior objective of military actions for the future conquest of the territories of Beni, Rutshuru, Masisi and Nyiragongo, to create for an autonomous province, whose capital is the city of Goma. According Always Civil Society of North Kivu, some members of the institutions of the Republic (Senate, National Assembly, Government), originating in North Kivu would perfume the project and have even expressed their agreement for funding. Still in its infancy, said rebels would be busy recruiting and training young fighters militarily in the localities of Mwekwe, Munol, Buleusa, Busu and Kisavulo. Fact or trap? Should we believe it or not the alert given by the Civil Society of North Kivu? Does this not a new trap in the DRC, in order to divert it from its mission to trigger the hunt Hutu rebels, who perpetrate looting minerals, flights products and field livestock, rape, killings ... the last two decades? This is the place to invite the relevant departments of civil and military headquarter more information Lubero area in particular and the Far North in general to know what it actually returns. Because without enough information verified and cross the DRC may embark on a hunt for Hutu blind, forgetting that Rwandan Tutsi main leaders of the rebellions that are tearing the country since 1996, have not said their last word. Do not we would be in a scheme to distract the Congolese security forces to launch on the wrong track, while the real danger is the M23 be hibernating at our borders? One is unaware that Colonel Sultani Makenga and his men, although defeated militarily and excluded most of the benefit from the amnesty, are still camping in Uganda and Rwanda, where they continue to recruit and replenish their military arsenal in a goal each and Congolese Congolese can guess: revive hostilities in North Kivu. Therefore, the FARDC should take appropriate measures to strengthen its military presence in all the hot spots (Beni, Rutshuru, Masisi, Nyiragongo, Goma) cited by the Civil Society of North Kivu. In any case, the announcement of a rebellion whose main concern the protection of Hutu in the DRC seems very suspicious. It deserves serious monitored to avoid unpleasant surprises. Dns province where everything is possible, nothing should be neglected.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 10:25:16 +0000

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