Since the post I made on October 14, the number 1 question Ive - TopicsExpress


Since the post I made on October 14, the number 1 question Ive gotten is; How do you cope with loosing size and strength? And the answer is simple. Because bodybuilding and training is not the most important thing in my life. Furthermore, every athlete, at some point, has to realize, the easy way or the hard way, that they eventually have to slow down. Being that the highly anabolic compounds have left my body, I can no longer sustain the amount of mass and strength that Ive mastered in the past. Which means that I have to find pleasure in training in other ways than chasing unlimited progress. I enjoy training as a whole, and loosing a bit of strength and size actually does not bother me that much. Its all about accepting whats going to happen, while still enjoying life and lifting, even thought it means loosing strength. However, the main reason why I dont find it difficult, is because I chose this myself. As anything in life, being deprived of something, or being told you cant do something, makes you just want to do it more. So if this decision was forced on me, the outcome might have been different. But I didnt have a single person in my life not supporting me. They might not always have agreed 100% with my choices, but they still supported me. And when I decided to stop my pursuit in the arts of competitive bodybuilding, they supported me just the same. Steroids is not as a substance addictive. You dont take two shots and then crave a needle or a pill. But to the weak mind, it is. I am going to be blunt here and say that a good deal, if the the majority of people bodybuilding(or at least the once that I have met), build a lot of their character upon the basis of being huge. Unfortunately, the elite athlete, with the healthy mindset and attitude, is not the ones populating the gyms. The main popularity is people training for the sole purpose of being big and a lot of them do not care how they get there. For someone who build a part of their existences upon being big, it can be very hard to accept that youll get smaller. I am quite sure that if you are familiar with steroids or know people who use them, then you know that when they finish a cycle, they become partly depressed. Whats the point of the hardcore training, if they dont grow? How do they stay motivated when the strength declines? Which leads to longing for the next cycle to start. In my mind at least, that is addiction. So the question remains, can you credit the hardcore pursuit to dedication, or addiction. In my experience, its often the same. If you know that you have no chance of being the best in your sport, but you still take every substance trying to get there, are you then the athlete chasing dreams, or a fool waiting to crash? Ive sat with a needle, and the people who knows me, knows that Ive always said, that to me, the only thing that separates me from a common drug-user in that moment, is the substance of which injected. Now, you might disagree or agree with that statement, but its worth a careful thought. - Not bashing anyone, just calling it as it is. Schulz
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 09:13:11 +0000

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