Since the real reason people in this country want to bomb Iran is, - TopicsExpress


Since the real reason people in this country want to bomb Iran is, like Iraq, to get the oil, I have a solution for Iran to actually screw over America for the long haul. Give up all nuclear aspirations and destroy all your current programs for all to see so you can remove all sanctions and get your economy growing again. Sell your oil rights to the highest bidder & then use the money to invest in converting your country to renewable energy. After about 20 years, while America spends the vast majority of its wealth in desperate attempts to procure a depleted fossil fuel supply, because the same people who want to bomb Iran will never let us convert to renewable energies, you can name your price for your now 20 years advanced renewable energies technology. In 20 years you will be the one holding all the cards at the negotiating table. Oh yeah, just ignore Israel, theyll destroy themselves with ultra Conservative religious extremist thinking anyways. Just a thought.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 01:20:13 +0000

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