Since this is relatively new, I feel that I should tell you what - TopicsExpress


Since this is relatively new, I feel that I should tell you what I believe and what exactly I would like to share here. I believe that meditation will dramatically change your life. I believe this so much, that I will try just about anything to slide it into a conversation. Have a problem? Meditate. Have a question? Meditate. Feeling sad, happy, grateful, ungrateful? Meditate. I can not stress this enough. Seriously, you could use a break and some time for yourself. Do it. 10, 15, 20 minutes, one hour every day or a couple times per week. Do what you can, start slowly and try a bunch. Create a positive experience for yourself. There are many ways to meditate. We will explore different types and techniques. It is not work, it is a reward and a portal to the side of your brain that we are forced by busy life to ignore. The right side of the brain. It is your inner voice, and you need to hear it. I love YouTube for meditations. They have an incredible variety of guided meditations for beginners. The point is not to shut your brain off or to not think. The point is to slow your mind down so that you can listen to your inner voice and think clearly. It is possible to have one thought at a time! Practice, Practice, Practice! Secondly, and this is the part that I find the most fun. I believe in life after death. I believe in the continuation of the human soul. More and more we are hearing of this. More and more proof is being documented. Science is advancing and aligning with spiritual beliefs. Its real people. Those really are your loved ones coming through. I have had experiences throughout my life with this. I have seen mediums, and witnessed how their messages help to heal broken hearts. I have taken classes and attended various seminars. I had some amazing experiences and met some truly gifted and inspirational people. Theres always room to grow, to advance and to understand, which is why I created this page. Lastly but definitely not least important, I believe in God. I believe in the universe and I believe we control our own destiny. We are here for a purpose, trying to figure it all out and to accomplish what we came here to do. There are no coincidences, there is only synchronicity (another fun topic we will get into later). Label it how you will, God, Creator, Light, Universe, whatever you want. Its all the same to me. God is different to different people and that is ok. God is described differently so that people of different places can relate. Although many have a distorted view, its important to respect their beliefs too, even if theyre hard to understand. I want to leave you with one thing to think about. We are here to create our own experiences. The universe is here for us to create our experience. Think about that. We create the experience. How is your experience shaping up to be? Love and light, Spiritually Rich
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 19:46:18 +0000

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