Since this story broke it has really angered me. Within days of - TopicsExpress


Since this story broke it has really angered me. Within days of being confronted on her doorstep by Sky News over her alleged twitter trolling, Brenda Leyland took her own life and was found dead in a hotel room. Really though, from everything Ive read, this woman was merely sharing her opinion, and voicing her concerns about the case. She wanted justice for Madeleine. She had little or no sympathy for Kate and Gerry and their decision to leave their daughter unattended while they were at a restaurant around the corner. I can understand that, and so can probably 99% of parents who would never dream of doing such a thing, especially on holiday in a foreign country. The McCanns are 100% guilty of neglecting their child. At least that. Whether theyre guilty of more than that Im not completely sure, but many others out there are convinced they played a part in Maddies disappearance/death. What I do think, is that Sky News and Martin Brunt have caused the death of Brenda Leyland. All because she spoke up and wanted to find the answers to what really happened. Maybe she sent a few too many tweets, maybe she had a screw or two loose. All the more reason for Sky News to be a bit more careful about landing on the womans doorstep, broadcasting her face to the entire nation, almost all day, once every 15 minutes. Two days later shes dead in a hotel room and they barely mention it. Disgraceful journalism, a trial by media that has ended that womans life. RIP.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 21:12:26 +0000

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