Since three years and ten months that the war prevails against the - TopicsExpress


Since three years and ten months that the war prevails against the Syrian people - civil, army and government - which did not cease protesting that it was about terrorism injected by Western powers, with at their head the states-uniens, their allies and their lackeys Arab. All the world made the deaf person ear, nobody did not want to take into account this undeniable reality, personalized by this, armed, supported, formed manufactured terrorism and injected in Syria, but which becomes potentially able to strike anywhere in the world, not only in Syria, in Iraq, in Egypt, in Libya, in North Africa, in the Sahel and in Africa Centrale, in the Caucasus, Russian, in China, but also in Europe and America. This terrorist fever already noted, diagnosed, would be it the shock necessary for these European countries, such as Great Britain and France inter alia, change their policy guideline against the State Syrien, or the developments of these events will continue without change. Only the Syrian Arabic army which resists, and carries out victories over victories against this terrorism at this beginning of year 2015, over a snow-covered and icy ground on the whole of the Syrian geography, and particularly vis-a-vis the border with Turkey, in Louban and Zohra from where continue to still flow still and of the thousands of terrorists of all nationalities, pushed back in each one of their attempts by the civil forces and the Syrian Arabic army. Although two resolutions, 20170 and 2178, with their articles 7, have summer decided to the Security Council of the United Nations, and that all the members permanent and nonpermanent signed these resolutions, however they are still not applied, since a definition clear and clear is still not given to what is called terrorism. The states-uniens estimate that the men armed against the Syrian State, against the Syrian Arabic army are not terrorist, but an opposition armed combatants for the democracy against a ` Régime dictatorial ` to the capacity in Syria since tens of years. The states-uniens to recover and divert these two U.N. resolutions very quickly organized a coalition made up exclusively of countries which are allied for them, and to try to regain a footing in Iraq by this false pretext of fight against Da3ach which threatens its interests in Iraqi Kurdistan, whereas they were driven out in 2011 by the Iraqi government after rough negotiations; and consequently to continue to fight the Syrian state by means of Da3ach on the ground, while simulating to bombard it in Iraq and Syria, by means of theirs had war, which up to now caused only weak damage with these armed groups, which continue their projections in all the directions. Only the Syrian Arabic armies and Iraqi make them really makes. Thus, the lack of definition as regards terrorism makes that the two U.N. resolutions remained died letter, and states-uniens, and Turkey openly support terrorism, arm it, and inject it in Iraq and in Syria, like the countries of the Cooperation Council of the Persian Gulf arabo, Qatar, the Saudi Arabia , like France, Jordan, do it, and did not stop doing it until now. terrorists to exist, while forming them militarily to go to make crimes elsewhere, it can in same time to isolate them from social backgrounds from where it them has taken, because early or late, when they are not victorious in the company which was assigned to them, like going to destroy the Syrian state, or being made kill on the spot, they end up returning to the fold and continuing the daily criminal activity which they had during these four years in Syria, in Iraq, and Libya. Today, this terrorism starts to return to the country which gave him birth, which is completely objectifies and rational. When state creates possibility for terrorists to exist, while forming them militarily to go to make crimes elsewhere, it social edge in same time to isolate them from backgrounds from where it them has taken, because early gold late, when they are not victorious in the company which was assigned to them, like going to destroy the Syrian state, but being made kill one the spot, they end up returning to the fold and continuing the daily criminal activity which they had during thesis furnace years in Syria, in Iraq, and Libya. What has just occurred in France, in Paris 11th district this January 7, 2015, against the head office of Charlie Hebdo, with deaths of twelve killed people whose majority was among the journalists caricaturists of this weekly magazine of left, at the time of a terrorist attack, carried out by two masked men, armed with army rifles . On January 8, 2015, still an attack against two police officers, and on January 9, a 2015 still taking of hostage in a Kosher restaurant, by adding to it the attack of a Kebab restaurant close to a mosque, all that shows well that terrorism does not have nationality, nor of border. In fact it is what Laurent Fabius and François Holland sowed, and before them Nicolas Sarkozy and Alain Juppe. Without pointing out the praises, of the Foreign Minister Frenchwomen, Mr Laurent Fabius that it had addressed to the terrorists in Syria, who for him were and are still combatants of freedom, and which according to him makes good birch in Syria, which President François Holland did not fail to make by all the encouragements and supply D logistic assistance so that they make fall Bachar which according to them does not have any more the right to live, Aujourdhui, this flag in Bern and this minute of silence for these victims of information, must rather be addressed to the President and to his Foreign Minister, so that they deposit their resignations. They are both persons in charge to have to create this situation, while being the supreme representatives of a state, at the origin of the revolution of 1789, universal in its range, while going to violate, attack Syria sovereign country, as an ex-minister of the Foreign Affairs did it Mr Bernard Kouchner who also in company of terrorists, comes to violate the border of the sovereign Syrian state while being introduced there.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 17:50:44 +0000

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